Active Users:324 Time:21/02/2025 10:24:36 AM
An Ending Nebhead Send a noteboard - 07/01/2024 02:23:58 PM

Hi all,

It's time to bring RAFO's journey to a conclusion. I have been putting off this decision for several years now, but its increasingly hard to justify keeping the lights on here. I don't have a definitive end date yet, but it'll be in the next 3-6 months.

While RAFO was created primarily as a refuge for the community of wotmania after that site's closure, we had high hopes that it might eventually also stand on its own feet as a destination for Sci-fi & Fantasy discussion. That reality never materialised, and the community itself has also dissipated over time. It'd be easy to lay the blame for both of these at the trend toward consolidation of online discourse in a handful of large social media platforms, and that's undoubtedly part of the picture, but its also the case that RAFO wasn't kept up to date with the technology needed to attract and retain users (especially in terms of mobile-responsive design and forum/message board UX).

Regardless of the reasons why, it's still the case that the site is a shell of what it once was, and there's no practical route back that does not require a significant investment of time and resources - both things that I'm increasingly short of.

Still, it's been a blast and I remain proud of having been able to create and sustain RAFO, especially over the first few years of its existence.

I'll post again once I have a firm closure date.

Thanks to you all for your support over the last ~15 years - RAFO wouldn't have existed in the first place without you.

It's all my fault...
Vegas Aug 17-18 - A Night to Remember

Spoony made this aaaages ago for me. Never got to use it though... until now!
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An Ending - 07/01/2024 02:23:58 PM 4109 Views
Well, thanks - 07/01/2024 04:19:19 PM 485 Views
I can't say I'm surprised - 07/01/2024 07:18:39 PM 367 Views
I’ll be sorry to see it go, but I completely understand. - 08/01/2024 12:04:07 AM 335 Views
Hell yeah! One last push to end on a high note. *NM* - 10/02/2024 03:35:09 AM 179 Views
Like Tom, I'm not surprised. - 10/01/2024 08:41:04 PM 317 Views
...has it really been fifteen years? Lord. I suppose it has been, hasn't it? - 11/01/2024 08:22:17 AM 348 Views
This is something I will be looking at - 11/01/2024 02:06:07 PM 388 Views
Any cloud options? - 10/02/2024 03:36:52 AM 291 Views
Any epiphanies yet? - 18/06/2024 11:18:02 AM 230 Views
Wotmania - 13/01/2025 09:05:07 PM 57 Views
Re: ...has it really been fifteen years? Lord. I suppose it has been, hasn't it? - 24/05/2024 02:18:15 PM 231 Views
Thank You - 11/01/2024 04:51:29 PM 343 Views
THANK YOU! RAFO has been wonderful over the years..... - 10/02/2024 03:33:34 AM 342 Views
Thank you for your devoting time and energy to RAFO - 24/05/2024 02:16:45 PM 222 Views
An Old Friend - 28/06/2024 07:07:48 PM 214 Views
Thanks for every thing - 22/07/2024 07:23:53 PM 160 Views
This is still happening, I just need to find the time to do something... - 13/08/2024 08:50:10 AM 203 Views
That's a great idea. Maybe..... - 18/08/2024 02:27:47 AM 166 Views
Re: An Ending - 18/10/2024 01:49:44 AM 123 Views
I wondered if this place was still going - 23/10/2024 04:12:27 AM 103 Views
This place and wotmania..... - 23/10/2024 01:44:08 PM 138 Views
Thank You - 10/01/2025 10:54:29 PM 63 Views

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