Active Users:325 Time:28/03/2025 03:37:39 AM
Phew, he really doesn't understand the Forsaken Sidious Send a noteboard - 29/10/2023 01:29:04 AM

I actually enjoyed Season 2, but only because I was prepared to separate it from the books. There were a lot of logical conundrums and many dialogues didn't make sense e.g. "Moiraine, maybe we shouldn't destroy the ships - we don't know who they are shielding"... "no we must kill everyone, that's what it means to support Rand". SMH...

But as a standalone series I enjoyed many aspects of it, and everyone I know who didn't read the series loved it. I liked how they portrayed Ishamael, Lanfear and Moghedien in some ways, and didn't in other ways. My biggest gripe is that Rand continues to be all but useless.

The quotes are horrible though. Ishamael was absolutely never driven by love - he's actually the quintessential nihilist, and neither was Lanfear. She just wanted LTT's power. Lanfear is one of my favourite characters, but she was never admirable or someone we loved despite her craziness. We definitely don't see her as a 'woman'... she's a real psychopath and as Cyndane she becomes even worse. I'm bracing myself for a Lanfear redemption in season 3 where she either dies to save Rand or dies for turning back to the Light. Awful.

The Cyndane faux death is also stupid - it makes no sense to have Lanfear survive the Last Battle.

Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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