Active Users:304 Time:28/03/2025 03:07:21 AM
I'm enjoying season 2 quite a lot Sidious Send a noteboard - 18/09/2023 04:24:04 PM

It's not the books - that's a given but its a big improvement over the mess that was season 1.

It's good that they're giving us a lot of background information on all the Forsaken, the Power etc. Lanfear is well cast and is unhinged just like in the books. Ishamael is pretty good too. I'm wondering who else they'll bring in apart from Moghedien and Graendal.

It looks like they're making the Forsaken functionally immortal with the True Power and its probably a gateway to making balefire the only way to take them out. It's probably why they shielded Moiraine - I suspect she'll be the first one to use it on a Forsaken when she gets released as a sort of homage to how she killed Be'lal.

I like how they've portrayed the Seanchan, and the damane collar is pretty neat. The wolfbrother aspect with Perrin is also well done - I like the way they're portraying their visual language. Mat seems to be missing in action.

The rest of the casting is quite good. Nynaeve is stubbon beyond all reason but also powerless, and Egwene is showing her ambitious jealousy. Elayne has potential too as a silly princess who will grow into someone greater. Aviendha is more homely than anticipated but I guess she might clean up well. I was unsure about Verin but when she started playing detective I was sold on her. Liandrin is disturbingly likeable, though I didn't like the story with her son. It's not a great subplot for a darkfriend Red. What's wrong with the promise of immortality as a reason to turn to the shadow?

Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
This message last edited by Sidious on 18/09/2023 at 04:26:51 PM
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Season 2 Episode 5 - 16/09/2023 07:22:43 AM 430 Views
Quick question - Damane? - 16/09/2023 07:56:30 PM 243 Views
I am really sad about Loial being chained. - 18/09/2023 02:50:34 PM 267 Views
I'm enjoying season 2 quite a lot - 18/09/2023 04:24:04 PM 313 Views
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