Active Users:354 Time:31/03/2025 02:58:04 PM
That's the question every election. And the answer is the same fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 17/09/2023 05:18:28 PM

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We here a lot of blather about how the future of our democratic republic is on the line in next year's election. But here is my question.

When the overwhelming majority of both Houses of Congress care about nothing other than whether or not each vote helps their chances for reelection, hasn't this fight already been lost?

Yes. And therefore, this fight has been lost from the beginning of America's existence.

And no, which is why America has a functioning democracy. The system, at least at the start, had no illusions about only supremely selfless people getting into or staying in politics.

The best bet was, is, and always will be creating a system that minimizes how much self-interest drives decision making at a government level, then keeps updating itself as the self-interested ghouls find existing cracks in the system.

Any alternative is rooted in a cynicism readily exploited by the very ghouls who benefit most when the system is allowed to rot. There's no easy answer, but there is a simple one: vote in every election like it matters the most. Because it does. The cracks are always present, even if undetected, waiting to be exploited. So vote and vote and vote for those who want a functioning, updating, updateable system.

Metaphorically kick in the balls those who tell you the system sucks so let's burn it all down and coincidentally let's trust those exact people with the power to magically solve all your problems.

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I have an USA politics question, for any who care to comment. - 16/09/2023 03:17:52 PM 328 Views
That's the question every election. And the answer is the same - 17/09/2023 05:18:28 PM 243 Views
Re: That's the question every election. And the answer is the same - 17/09/2023 06:04:34 PM 194 Views
Re: That's the question every election. And the answer is the same - 17/09/2023 07:05:36 PM 228 Views
Part of the problem is very simple: you have too frequent elections. - 17/09/2023 07:03:47 PM 204 Views
I agree about the House. Every 2 years is absurd. - 23/09/2023 03:39:45 PM 176 Views

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