Active Users:332 Time:31/03/2025 05:22:25 PM
Yeah, well, I have the luxury of an outsider's position... Legolas Send a noteboard - 23/08/2023 11:47:24 PM

View original postYes, I do. Men and women are biologically different; despite what "experts" may say, there are skeletal, muscular, and organ differences. Would you deny this?

You missed the second part of the sentence - 'that changing from one to the other is impossible on general principle'. As you also mention just below - even if somehow medical science would evolve much further still, you'd still say, no, a man will always be a man. Because of philosophical dogma, not because of biology.

And I do feel obliged to point out that biologically speaking, the distinction isn't 100 percent binary, all sorts of intersex variations do naturally occur so not everyone is born unambiguously man or woman. Unlike some, I do think that it's close enough to binary that in many contexts it makes sense to present it as a binary and make accommodations for the exceptions, rather than to toss the binary out entirely.

View original postEven if science reaches the point where, say, a trans-woman could have a uterus grown using "her" XY biology; you're still inserting something that they do not, and would not, naturally have. It doesn't change the basic biological reality.

You mean basic philosophical reality. If science would reach the point that a trans woman had a fully functional uterus and female genitals, it wouldn't make any biological sense to keep saying 'no, but hang on, she's still a man!'. She might have been a man originally, but then every butterfly was also once a caterpillar, it's still a butterfly now.

View original postBut this one isn't that big of a hurdle to me. I'm totally fine with people believing I am crazy for believing in a Creator. No issue with that at all. But it is crazy to me that they'll argue I am crazy for believing and unprovable claim, but you all expect me to believe a provably false claim. Sorry, that ain't a woman. It's a biological male. If he wants to play make-believe and y'all want to play make-believe with him, more power to you! That's what y'all think I'm doing with my God! So go crazy, I honestly don't give a shit.

View original postBut when y'all try and force me to go along with your delusion, that's where I check out.

To go back to our hypothetical future advanced medical science for a moment, in that situation the claim of that trans woman being, in fact, a woman, would not be 'provably false' at all - and your insistence on it being false would be a matter of faith, or philosophical principle, as much as your belief in God. Of course, we aren't in that situation yet and we might not ever be, so the biological reality of a trans woman is indeed still different from a cis woman - but, depending on how early she started the process and how far she took it, it may be as close or closer to it than to a cis man. Treating her as if she's indistinguishable from a cis woman may require a certain extent of goodwill and deliberately overlooking the imperfections of the process, sure, but that's not 'make believe' or a 'delusion'.

View original postBut see, to me, there's just something inherently fucked up about amputating healthy organs because they make somebody feel bad. If you think people with "body integrity identity disorder" should be allowed to amputate their body parts, fine! It's a free country, do what you want!

I've already discussed the comparison to BIID before and won't go over it again - but I will repeat something else: you are very wrong to think that physical pain or damage is automatically worse than mental pain or damage. I'd venture a guess that you have never suffered from major mental afflictions like severe depression, eating disorders, etc. yourself - but then neither have I, but I still have enough imagination and awareness to realize how devastating they can be.
View original postBut why, why is it so hard to wait till you're 18 before you sterilize yourself? Like, sorry, once again, there's gotta be a line somewhere, and if it's not gonna be "well we don't think these people are mature enough to consent to sex", when the hell will it be?

You know very well why - you don't agree with it obviously, but you know it.
View original postThat's why I bring up teething; how do we know that childs identity isn't tied up in not having teeth? If we cannot assign a gender to a child, who are we to assign whether or not their identity is toothless? What if their identity is tied up in being short?

As I've repeatedly pointed out, parents and doctors absolutely do try to intervene, to the extent medically possible, in the height of children who are expected to become unusually tall or short - without knowing at that point how the children would actually feel about their height once they're adults. And that's at a much younger age even than puberty blockers and all that - but for the same reason, i.e. that those interventions are time sensitive and if you don't do them early enough, you either can't do them at all anymore or they at least are more difficult / have worse results. And they try to fix crooked teeth as well, though your talk about stopping teething entirely remains as silly a comparison as ever.
View original postAnd truly, thank you. You're right, just as the same inverted, I'm sure, but I do like to understand where people are coming from, and Ghav's constant "well you're an asshole" isn't really clearing anything up.

Since you like to understand where people are coming from and you don't seem to be aware - it seemed obvious to me in the exchange with mookie, but upon rereading, it may be obvious only to those of us who already knew - I have to tell you that Ghav is in fact a trans woman, so it's rather personal for her.
View original postSo... some 13 year-olds are more capable of consenting to sex than some 65 year-olds.

Sure. There's plenty of 65+ folks who have gotten that far in life without ever developing the capability to engage in meaningful, responsible relationships. Your former president comes to mind (actually possibly several of them...). That doesn't mean that we shouldn't have any age-based consent laws, or the age-based legal maturity, we certainly should, but still people reach maturity in various aspects of their lives at very different ages, if ever at all.
View original postI hear this a lot, and yet, the last "LGBTQ+" person to be killed was national news for a week. Meanwhile, people like Riley Gains or that cancer patient in Oregon are attacked and denied medical service for their views. I hear a bunch about the "trans genocide", but, much like Ghav above, nobody seems to care about the "fentanyl genocide" currently on-going.

You hear it a lot because it's true. I'd be happy to give you any number of sources, though I suspect you don't really care to see them? Some of their much higher rate of physical victimization may not be a direct consequence of them being transgender, what with trans people being overrepresented among groups like homeless teenagers or sex workers who are more likely to face violence because of their living conditions / jobs - but then the reason for them being overrepresented in those groups is them being cast out by transphobic families or social circles, so indirectly their being trans is still the reason.

As for fentanyl, or the wider problem including also other kinds of addictions, I don't think it's accurate to say nobody seems to care. There's plenty of media and political attention for it - but the solutions aren't easy ones, it's much easier to debate (on either side of the debate) about what bathrooms trans women should use than to actually help bring down the fentanyl overdose rates, and you'll get a lot more media attention and better future political prospects that way as well.

View original postBut they aren't comparable. Let's take two 17 year old girls; I know breast cancer at that age is practically non-existent, but let's roll with it. How can you compare the struggle of a 17 year old, her body turning against her, actively, really trying to kill her, and she has to wrangle with the terrible decision, with her family, to harm herself to save herself.

View original postIf she does not do this, the cancer will kill her.

View original postOn the other side, you have a 17 year old trans-man. They feel terrible, because their friends were born in the wrong bodies, and damnit, they're special too, so they were born in the wrong body! Now, she and her parents have to wrangle with this terrible decision, to harm herself to feel better.

View original postIf she does not do this, she might feel very sad and might kill herself.

For someone complaining about others insulting rather than discussing, your way of discussion is pretty insulting, I have to say... was it really so hard to make this comparison without throwing in those little digs?
View original postI'm sorry. I feel for the second girl; I truly wish for her happiness and her health. But it's not comparable to compare an action taken to knowingly save a life, with an action taken to possibly maybe save a life unless she decides to kill herself anyways.

Since, once again, I never said it was a perfect analogy, I see no reason to argue about this further.
View original postThe reason it's anathema to me that people would do this is because I understand confusion. I understand making mistakes. I understand how easy it is to be fooled, and how hard it is to admit being fooled. I'm not asking people to put away their beliefs.

View original postI'm merely asking them to wait until they are mature.

View original postIs that really so much to ask?

Yes, it's so much to ask, and the reason why has been explained often enough that I won't bother repeating it again. Although I do want to stress again that I do have sympathy for parents or doctors who - in good faith - push back against a trans child's desire for transition because they think that desire is too sudden or the child isn't taking the decision seriously enough. But there is a world of difference between wanting to protect children from making a very serious mistake in their choice to transition, or taking it as dogma that transitioning is always a mistake per definition, and only the former one is an actually valid reason for postponing that transition.
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“Can you imagine our reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the gov't?" - 03/08/2023 09:02:48 PM 829 Views
I'm curious as to your point in posting this. - 04/08/2023 03:17:48 AM 258 Views
The point is that these uneducated dumbass race-baiters dare to lecture us - 04/08/2023 05:33:36 PM 247 Views
. . . - 05/08/2023 02:14:20 PM 245 Views
You're entitled to your optimistic view - 05/08/2023 04:24:33 PM 255 Views
You only think your view is realistic because you haven't studied enough history. - 06/08/2023 04:04:34 PM 267 Views
You're entitled to your optimistic view. *NM* - 06/08/2023 09:18:39 PM 108 Views
Not only is this statistically incorrect, it's historically incorrect. - 08/08/2023 11:35:42 PM 240 Views
Sigh, I understand that it's hard to grasp these days, with our medical miracles, - 14/08/2023 05:52:01 PM 237 Views
Disease is counted as part of wartime casualties. - 14/08/2023 08:17:53 PM 239 Views
And Covid killed 1000000 Americans lol - 14/08/2023 09:49:02 PM 225 Views
I don't think so - 07/08/2023 01:54:05 PM 283 Views
These facts would cause you to be denounced as a "putinite fascist"... - 07/08/2023 05:45:05 PM 241 Views
Well, of course it's going to pass - 07/08/2023 06:55:12 PM 253 Views
Tom, you are being far too reasonable. That doesn’t fly in 2023! *NM* - 08/08/2023 12:22:49 AM 118 Views
He is, which is why, I think, he is wrong. *NM* - 08/08/2023 10:18:32 PM 121 Views
I just can't buy that the political and academic class will give up their grip so easily. - 08/08/2023 05:49:58 PM 219 Views
Academics have been pro Marxism for over 100 years. It's nothing new. *NM* - 08/08/2023 05:59:55 PM 115 Views
Maybe. But they've never been this spiteful or spoiled before. - 09/08/2023 01:29:30 PM 206 Views
No, they only recruited students to spy for the Soviets *NM* - 14/08/2023 06:18:58 PM 108 Views
Yes. They do that now, too. Except it's the Chinese. *NM* - 14/08/2023 09:51:37 PM 110 Views
Do you have sources for that 'far more conservative and far more religious' claim? - 09/08/2023 07:35:50 PM 234 Views
In regards to more conservative, - 09/08/2023 08:35:03 PM 253 Views
I side with Greg and Tom in this discussion. - 08/08/2023 05:57:54 PM 225 Views
I don't suppose linking medical articles is going to help too much here, but... - 08/08/2023 11:28:05 PM 252 Views
Elizabeth, you know I have a non binary grandchild. - 09/08/2023 01:22:32 AM 262 Views
Yeah, I know, I just think that the statistics are dangerous. - 09/08/2023 04:36:40 AM 228 Views
Respectfully, do you truly believe this? - 09/08/2023 05:42:31 PM 230 Views
I'll bite... - 09/08/2023 06:39:46 PM 222 Views
Thanks. <3 *NM* - 09/08/2023 08:27:13 PM 115 Views
Your thoughts - 11/08/2023 04:14:37 PM 219 Views
Yes, that's true. - 11/08/2023 06:11:49 PM 235 Views
Re: Yes, that's true. - 12/08/2023 04:25:28 PM 215 Views
This is not bait, I am legitimately trying to understand. And if I understand correctly... - 11/08/2023 05:17:02 PM 228 Views
As I said, it wasn't intended as perfect analogy - it's about how much say should children have. - 11/08/2023 06:44:33 PM 239 Views
No, seriously, only the last one was intended as parody. And I'd like an explanation. - 14/08/2023 05:43:37 PM 220 Views
There aren't a lot of people committing suicide over their teeth coming in. - 14/08/2023 08:21:29 PM 230 Views
Indeed. - 14/08/2023 09:50:53 PM 209 Views
Re: No, seriously, only the last one was intended as parody. And I'd like an explanation. - 15/08/2023 04:14:57 PM 245 Views
See, you're willing to discuss, instead of insult. Others on this board might take note. - 17/08/2023 05:18:39 PM 235 Views
Yeah, well, I have the luxury of an outsider's position... - 23/08/2023 11:47:24 PM 238 Views
Nobody is an outsider when reality is being attacked. - 25/08/2023 05:40:43 PM 227 Views
Fun facts - 26/08/2023 06:22:57 AM 275 Views
Not really "fun" so much as "a sad reality of biology", but yes. - 27/08/2023 09:42:14 PM 236 Views
Imagine if you had the same attitude towards trans people. - 28/08/2023 12:02:34 AM 220 Views
I may be no endocrinologist, but I at least understand simple biology. XY =/= XX =/= XXY - 28/08/2023 05:40:14 PM 206 Views
Simple is definitely true. Shame you never learned biology past what you were taught in high school. - 28/08/2023 11:21:38 PM 224 Views
Right, cause we're "butterflies" - 29/08/2023 04:57:20 AM 220 Views
I go to mass more than you. *NM* - 29/08/2023 09:58:09 AM 112 Views
Wow, really? And you still mutilated your body and told God that He was wrong about you? - 31/08/2023 05:44:32 PM 195 Views
I must say, - 31/08/2023 07:04:47 PM 220 Views
Love is being true. Love is being honest. Love is God. - 31/08/2023 07:52:59 PM 207 Views
Really went off the deep end there huh... - 31/08/2023 10:39:02 PM 202 Views
At least my beliefs can't be disproven by a $40 test at Wal-Mart. - 02/09/2023 03:40:43 PM 204 Views
It's ok. Many of us are quite sad for you too. - 29/08/2023 11:10:32 AM 205 Views
I couldn't care less what unbelievers think. You'll meet the Truth, one day. - 31/08/2023 05:45:31 PM 202 Views
No such thing as damnation, but thanks. - 31/08/2023 06:55:23 PM 209 Views
Then nothing more needs to be said. See who support your lies, Ghav? They literally deny Love. *NM* - 31/08/2023 07:54:23 PM 94 Views
He understands love a lot better than you do. *NM* - 01/09/2023 04:46:14 AM 99 Views
Hah! I knew you didn't worship God. Thanks for admitting it. *NM* - 02/09/2023 03:38:43 PM 105 Views
You're simply acting deranged at this point. - 03/09/2023 01:13:20 AM 231 Views
I hope you don't call yourselves Christian. - 03/09/2023 04:11:06 AM 180 Views
Of course I'm Christian. I confess the faith of the apostles and of the councils. - 03/09/2023 11:41:56 AM 197 Views
Would you castrate Michelangelo's David? - 03/09/2023 09:03:07 PM 190 Views
Dude, you have really driven this off the deep end. - 03/09/2023 04:03:16 PM 201 Views
It is not, and I am not. - 03/09/2023 09:06:48 PM 216 Views
You absolutely are - 03/09/2023 09:27:00 PM 183 Views
Caution is not condemnation. Warning is not judgment. - 03/09/2023 11:05:17 PM 202 Views
Bro, I'm not worried about your immortal soul. - 03/09/2023 11:35:41 PM 216 Views
I get that. But Ghav, supposedly, is. - 04/09/2023 12:09:55 AM 214 Views
You’ve expressed some pretty odious and ugly sentiments. - 03/09/2023 10:07:51 PM 210 Views
Yeah, I'm definitely an outsider, and so are you. - 28/08/2023 07:49:48 PM 195 Views
Ok. - 29/08/2023 05:09:14 AM 207 Views
I'll chew... - 11/08/2023 10:35:45 PM 231 Views
What's your stance on parents who refuse medical treatment for their children with cancer? - 11/08/2023 11:12:21 PM 245 Views
I think... - 11/08/2023 11:37:52 PM 232 Views
Really? - 12/08/2023 12:02:12 AM 220 Views
Am I being unreasonable? - 12/08/2023 05:16:06 AM 248 Views
Maybe not - 12/08/2023 03:38:50 PM 249 Views
Most of us don't really like "the gays," either. And referring to people as "blacks" is offensive. *NM* - 13/08/2023 12:34:32 AM 109 Views
... is referring to people as "whites" offensive? I really, really hope you say yes. *NM* - 14/08/2023 05:46:07 PM 156 Views
Unfortunately for whites, gays, blacks, and transgenders... - 14/08/2023 06:09:47 PM 206 Views
Their voice only counts *NM* - 14/08/2023 06:20:32 PM 103 Views
Touché *NM* - 14/08/2023 07:12:54 PM 102 Views
You can always choose not to be a dick online. *NM* - 14/08/2023 08:19:52 PM 95 Views
Now why would I want to do that? - 14/08/2023 11:24:09 PM 197 Views
You're not a dick. You're honest. - 14/08/2023 09:54:34 PM 234 Views
Why not both? - 15/08/2023 03:01:58 AM 211 Views
Sad, but true. - 17/08/2023 05:22:11 PM 202 Views
Re: I think... - 13/08/2023 12:35:05 AM 240 Views
Re: I'll chew... - 12/08/2023 03:49:47 PM 262 Views
Re: I'll chew... - 14/08/2023 10:56:15 PM 212 Views
Re: I'll chew... - 15/08/2023 11:32:12 PM 230 Views
3 weeks later, did you have fun with this thread Tyr? *NM* - 28/08/2023 08:16:13 PM 107 Views
We went a bit afield, sure, but hey, the board has a discussion going, doesn't it? *NM* - 29/08/2023 05:00:03 AM 95 Views
Well take care - 31/08/2023 11:06:43 PM 225 Views
Same to you. - 03/09/2023 04:20:19 AM 217 Views
Seeing things as beautiful or rotting - 03/09/2023 05:21:50 PM 216 Views
I could not disagree more. - 03/09/2023 09:13:31 PM 227 Views
See this is about you - 03/09/2023 11:22:53 PM 223 Views
No, it's about God. - 03/09/2023 11:28:55 PM 212 Views
How much history do you know about Samaritans? - 03/09/2023 11:39:54 PM 202 Views
Friend, you can cut the shit. - 04/09/2023 12:19:56 AM 196 Views
I was going to talk about Mount Gerizim you nitwit - 04/09/2023 01:36:16 AM 208 Views
Oh, my apologies then. - 04/09/2023 07:46:57 PM 220 Views

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