by half this country, well over 3/4ths of the media, and almost the entirety of the political class.
I'm not sure how you can believe the animosity will pass; to half this country, sterilizing children is considered "necessary medical care", and those rightly horrified by it are "myopic" bigots, who just want to force their religion on everybody else! "The deplorables" are constantly being ragged by the political class, while the media constantly fuels the flames of division.
I mean, look at the quote that I started this thread off with. How will that animosity fade? It won't, because it's not even based on facts, purely emotion. When people decide their reality by how they feel, and when they are pissed at the "Christofascist cisheteronormative patriarchy" that's destroying the world with climate change and colonialism, there's literally nothing they wouldn't do. Saving the world is the best excuse for murder ever.
You think these idiots are going to stop, ever, once the shooting begins? They will destroy people's careers for liking memes. You think they wouldn't murder them if they could, for the same thing? Saying "try that in a small town" is "wHiTe SuPrEmAcY", but "kill the white farmer" is just taking things out of context.
And this animosity will just... smolder and die? Sorry.
I don't buy it.