And I'm entitled to my realistic one. Even before the Civil War we were not divided as we are now. We don't even believe in a God, much less in the same one, much less in common ethical boundaries. We're entirely unwilling to forgive those who have caused harm, just as we're entirely unwilling to ask for forgiveness when we cause harm.
There is nothing to bring us together after this war. No uniting point. We don't even desire to be "Americans" anymore, because being "American" is seen as bad these days. Because America is bad!
And we are. Mutilating children, describing the taking of children's lives as a "Sacred Duty" for our military, and labeling "cHrIsTiAn NaTiOnAlIsM" what was history but a decade ago. Letting migrants bake to death in tractor trailers, allowing sex trafficking to go unchecked, and holy shit all the drugs.
Do you know what the largest cause of death for my age group is now? Fentanyl. It's killing more people per year than the Civil War did. And you think we're in less danger as a nation?