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Episode 2 Cannoli Send a noteboard - 10/03/2023 01:27:53 AM

42:13 I think this is a flashback to the annoying mechanic lady.

41:12 Why did the Jawas hear the soft beep of the droid and not the mechanic’s loud & shrill voice?

40:50 What are the odds they didn’t pull a similar scam with Din Djarin when they sold him that stupid fighter

40:24 Ah, not a flashback.


38:31 This is the actual R5-D4, not just a lookalike. I am not sure what he was doing in the original trilogy, but it was a definite action figure they sold back then. It might have been the one that Luke & Owen bought before he exploded & 3PO convinced them to buy R2 instead. But of course, the show can’t resist its callbacks. In case you want to know what happened to ANYONE between episodes 6 & 7, the answer is, they had encounters with Din Djarin and/or (ha ha [that works for Star Wars now]) Boba Fett

38:12 WHY? Why does he keep taking the shit she foists off on him instead of what he asks for? Are we supposed to be amused by her? Celebrate her wins over the actual protagonist?

And is he going to let Grief Karga know there’s no need to hold onto the other droid’s carcass anymore?

36:25 That sounded like the same lesson he was teaching Grogu last episode. Also, the two planets in the Goldilock’s Zone of Mandalore’s system are also in sight of each other.

35:20 Din explaining stupid things to Grogu is going to be the new exposition mechanic, isn’t it?

34:15 I am going to very charitably assume Din’s helmet has a communication device linked in to R5. But they have not earned it.

33:12 Why did the guy who hates droids purchase one to do something he was perfectly capable of doing on his own? What is the point of having a droid to use as a Polish Mine Detector if you are just going to follow up when something bad has probably happened to it?

31:10 Those things looked exactly like Morlocks.

30:43 Again, what was the point of sending R5?

30:22 Normally, I’d wonder what the point of a breathable atmosphere is, given this show’s (and tbh, setting’s) very loose relationship with science, and the fact that Din Djarin can’t take his helmet off anyway and assume it’s an excuse to shoot people in normal clothes instead of helmets & gas masks.

30:14 There is a difference between “cursed” as in, afflicted by a supernatural force, and “its atmosphere is destroyed”. Finding out that the one is not true does not obviate the possibility of the other!

30:07 Just gonna assume that was all the Morlocks?

28:11 You’d think he’d have more sophisticated sensory equipment than a simple headlight. This armor is increasingly disappointing.

26:13 We have a Mandalorian-hunting bug-droid. Oh boy.

25:12 Oh, it’s a vehicle.

24:51 Being piloted by a droid. Why?

24:03 Remember the 80 million weapons Din Djarin had to remove to use public transportation on Book of Boba Fett? Now it’s just 2.

23:52 Grogu has sufficient command of the Force to tear out the joint of a much bigger machine than anything in this cave. Why does he need to toddle up to Din to help?

23:00 So all the discussions of using the navigation function of the ship and the purchase of an otherwise useless astromech droid is all to justify Grogu flying the fighter alone to go after Bo Katan. What unutterably awful writing.

21:35 WTF is her schedule? All we’ve seen her do here is sit on this chair and there is no sign of anyone in the building by this droid.

20:42 Aww, Bo Katan’s a big softie. Maybe she actually liiiiikes him! Bo Katan and Di-in sitting in a (made up word) tree, BN-K-I-N-G (their helmets together)...

18:43 I guess R5 is now going to do something critical to save the day and prove he’s not useless. Otherwise, what is the point of that shot of him turning on the camera.

17:50 If your family ruled “it all” and now it’s a tomb, your family done fucked up. No wonder no one is attending your sad court.

17:05 Are we supposed to be impressed by those weak lizards after they utterly failed to catch a baby?

15:01 If they survived, you badass Madalorians look like punk-ass bitches for running away from your home planet that is so holy there can be no substitute for its geography in your religion.

14:15 A vampire droid? Or is it an organic entity in a life-support thing like General Grievous? Maybe it needs blood to sustain itself?

13:32 Does this count as allowing Bo Katan to wield that Darksaber as the rightful ruler now? On the one hand, I think the show wants Din to have all the cool toys, but on the other hand, with their lack of imagination, I can see how his possession of a weapon that can cut through anything can seriously limit the kinds of threats they can throw at him.

Also, if that vampire droid could so easily put down a Mandalorian, in full armor, who shot first, why did he need to spend however long sitting in his upside-down, buried mech waiting to ambush one?

13:21 That was definitely organic.

13:10 Bo Katan is shit at rescues. I give Leia a lot of shit, but she was smart enough to get Han out of the carbonite slab before asking questions.

12:47 See what I mean? That did not even entail any real skill. There is no reason that Din should have a problem defeating any number of threats way outside his usual range of adversaries.

11:26 Please let it have been “Porg soup” she said.

11:15 And what about the soup makes a Mandalorian worth his armor? You “any _ worth his can do/has done/knows ____ “ to demonstrate an essential quality. Not to cite a common background trait, like a staple dish in the culture. You might say “any Mandalorian worth his armor knows how to MAKE Porg soup,” but having been fed it by one’s parents is not exactly a virtue.

10:45 She wants to take him back to her ship, she “honestly” thinks he’s “adorable”. Bo Katan wants his figurative Darksaber as well as the literal one…

10:16 Are the living waters that hard to find, or does Bo Katan just want to watch him bathe?

Also, are we supposed to infer that she gave him bad directions last episode to get him killed?

9:48 Din says “It’s hard to believe…” Bo Katan retorts “I wasn’t that long ago. It’s hard to believe, looking at all this destruction.” She contradicted him by her first words and tone, but the general sense of the whole thing is basically saying the same thing he did! Which means her line was meant to be contemplative agreement with Din, but she performed it like she was arguing. This suggests bad direction.

Or, she’s looking to fight with him because of the squishy feelings he is arousing in her…

7:14 There’s going to be a frigging mythosaur down there, isn’t there?

6:40 How messed up would these waters be from the whole planet being nuked? We had to bring along R5 to test the air, but we’re going to assume there’s nothing wrong with the water?

6:10 He’s going in fully armored. This makes total sense.

5:48 That was rather prompt & decisive action on Bo Katan’s part after her stalling at freeing him from the cage.

4:55 Shocker. There’s a mythosaur.

4:32 What even IS this armor? He could keep out the potentially poisonous air, but not WATER? Was he letting the water inside his armor to “bathe” ? Isn’t that going to mess it up? Like, do Madalorians have special undergarments that it’s okay to get wet since he can’t take off the armor to dry out where anyone can see him and he has a tiny ship that is no good for that purpose so by the time he gets somewhere he can change, he’s going to have trench foot but all over his body? It seems like they make their gear to do the weirdest things but lack some fairly basic military capabilities.

Was this show ever actually any good.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Mandalorian Season 3 is out. - 02/03/2023 03:24:07 AM 402 Views
Episode 2 - 10/03/2023 01:27:53 AM 177 Views
If it sucks this badly, why do you continue watching? *NM* - 10/03/2023 01:35:18 AM 82 Views
Because it doesn't. It's actually fantastic. And Cannoli actually loves it - 10/03/2023 01:15:12 PM 174 Views
It's for kids, isn't it? - 14/03/2023 01:06:12 PM 175 Views
No. Star Wars as before, as now, is meant for all ages. - 24/03/2023 02:40:25 PM 136 Views
I honestly don't know - 10/03/2023 03:40:47 PM 187 Views
Didn't Baby Yoda go off with Luke Skywalker to be a Jedi? - 14/03/2023 01:03:56 PM 153 Views
Yeah they undid it on another show. - 15/03/2023 12:20:58 PM 221 Views
That's incredibly sloppy - 15/03/2023 10:26:36 PM 164 Views
Episode 3 - 16/03/2023 01:30:23 AM 233 Views
I prefer - 16/03/2023 04:28:31 PM 163 Views
Episode 4 - 24/03/2023 01:25:47 PM 164 Views
Episode 5 - 29/03/2023 03:10:21 PM 182 Views
Re: Episode 5 - 30/03/2023 05:40:09 PM 155 Views
Episode 6 - 06/04/2023 03:53:50 AM 177 Views
Off the hook! - 07/04/2023 09:41:07 PM 150 Views
Episode 7 - 13/04/2023 04:13:20 AM 190 Views
Episode 8: finale - 19/04/2023 10:29:31 AM 170 Views

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