I forced myself to watch all 8 episodes of season 1, even though I knew in my heart after episode 1 that it wasn’t gonna get better. I wouldn’t watch again with a gun to my head.
As I wrote on a Facebook group of WOT book lovers who hate the show, excellent casting decisions at this point are lipstick on a pig.
If the consensus ever turns to 'actually, this is getting pretty good' then all the episodes will be sitting there on Prime waiting for me. Ellen DeGeneres had a bit in her standup (remember even she used to be pretty good before her TV shows) about people who taste something that isn't right and want other people to try it, too. I'm with young Ellen - no thanks, I trust you that it's bad.
Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, etc. used to be bulletproof IPs for me that now all have major rehabilitation work to do before I'll be interested again. Meanwhile Amazon is ruining their shot at developing WoT and almost certainly LoTR. It's sad. I never watched Game of Thrones but based on how everyone says it went, I have low hopes for their new series either.
I just hope that (and 2012 aero would never have said this) nobody tries to revive the Star Gate franchise, and that the project to bring the Dresden Files to the small screen again founders. Actually, 2012 aero would have said nothing at all about Dresden Files, I guess.