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Re: Agreed with Dragonsoul Dragonsoul Send a noteboard - 17/07/2022 05:43:21 AM

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Thinking Biden is incompetent and Harris is worse doesn't mean I now have to support a Trump Presidency. I would be more than happy with Governor DeSantis. Or Nikki Haley. Or Kristi Noem. Or, for that matter, Liz Cheney.

And before you embarrass yourself by calling Cheney a RINO, her voting record is over 95% favorable from a conservative viewpoint. From the viewpoint of supporting Trump's agenda when he was President, her record was 93% favorable. The "Trump Loyalist" running against her in the primary was 77%.

I would love to see the Republican party advance one of these female candidates to be the first woman President. In the case of Nikki Haley, or Nimranta Randhawa, born in South Carolina to Punjabi Sikh immigrants, she would be the first woman and first Asian President. That would be awesome and would mark the end of the notion that the Republican Party is the Party of white supremacy.

But instead, let's re-elect a white octogenarian narcissist who's background is NYC silk stocking Democrat and who only became Republican in the late 90s because that was the easiest road to power. That would be great, huh?

Some people are happy with lower entropy options like you outlined Mookie. But enough of the Republican primary people vote for higher entropy options on purpose. They like the transgressive thrill, to push against limits they see outsiders / the others imposing, and they want a Charismatic leader to impose limits on others while simultaneously breaking old limits. This is completely understandable (even if I find it horrific) they see the world lacking a paternal function and they want a stepfather to step in and be the new honorary father, they feel empowered for they think they played a part in choosing him. The ritual is almost religious, people come together and select a new leader at a primary, yes it is a circus and circular, but any kingsmoot is.

Yes there is going to be a whole load of regret, but they do not care for they think they will get less regret than before and their enemies more regret. Like Dragonsoul said he feels impotent rage, thus voting for a potent charismatic leader makes people like him feel powerful.

(The Cruelty is the Point, a choice between high entropy and lower, hopefully I am wrong but I doubt it)

I said the impotent rage is on the other side lol

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Prosecute Trump? - 14/07/2022 09:18:24 PM 448 Views
I would be surprised, but not shocked if there was an indictment. - 14/07/2022 09:26:45 PM 128 Views
There is no way he's not running again in 2024. - 14/07/2022 09:45:28 PM 136 Views
There's no way he agrees to not run - 14/07/2022 09:46:55 PM 134 Views
I fear you are right. - 14/07/2022 10:17:40 PM 119 Views
Let me sum up the case. - 14/07/2022 09:44:20 PM 148 Views
Word vomit that is completely false and full of irrelevant asides is not a summary - 14/07/2022 09:57:30 PM 122 Views
Lol parody account, you live in a dream world. - 15/07/2022 02:20:09 PM 120 Views
Sure - 15/07/2022 02:48:19 PM 140 Views
Parody account: face reality edition - 15/07/2022 03:09:48 PM 127 Views
Broken record. Try another track. - 15/07/2022 09:59:22 PM 119 Views
Take your own advice, parody account - 16/07/2022 02:17:34 AM 118 Views
The Secret Service deleted texts from 6th I wonder why... - 19/07/2022 08:20:26 PM 137 Views
As part of a device replacement program. - 19/07/2022 10:12:31 PM 129 Views
It's like you're on a sugar high - 20/07/2022 04:50:29 AM 136 Views
This is an excellent point. - 20/07/2022 05:05:27 AM 129 Views
Thanks! - 20/07/2022 07:42:09 PM 126 Views
Re: It's like you're on a sugar high - 21/07/2022 02:32:47 PM 138 Views
Take your own advice, parody account - 16/07/2022 02:17:34 AM 131 Views
Ugh - 14/07/2022 10:21:00 PM 141 Views
It's Trump's party, like it or not. - 15/07/2022 02:12:02 PM 137 Views
No. It isn't. - 15/07/2022 05:04:36 PM 118 Views
LOL okay. - 15/07/2022 09:10:36 PM 128 Views
You are missing the entire fucking point. - 16/07/2022 12:53:59 AM 127 Views
No, you are. - 16/07/2022 02:13:57 AM 120 Views
As will the fact that being Italian born and living in Canada means you have no dog in this hunt. *NM* - 16/07/2022 02:40:09 AM 73 Views
Live in the US now son. - 16/07/2022 01:42:41 PM 117 Views
Agreed with Dragonsoul - 16/07/2022 07:39:57 PM 120 Views
Re: Agreed with Dragonsoul - 17/07/2022 05:43:21 AM 127 Views
Re: Agreed with Dragonsoul - 17/07/2022 05:43:23 AM 129 Views
That's not entirely fair - 15/07/2022 01:10:25 PM 120 Views
Yeah, it's a tough one. - 14/07/2022 10:22:06 PM 141 Views
Yeah exactly - 15/07/2022 12:12:19 AM 126 Views
Why are they calling it an insurrection, not a riot ? - 15/07/2022 09:43:09 AM 126 Views
Because there was a plan of action and they're laying out that evidence. - 15/07/2022 02:41:42 PM 128 Views
Regarding the elections... - 15/07/2022 07:28:07 PM 160 Views
as always, - 15/07/2022 08:34:45 PM 133 Views
Voter ID - 15/07/2022 10:10:24 PM 145 Views
- 16/07/2022 12:32:06 AM 129 Views
Oh please! - 16/07/2022 01:16:43 AM 131 Views
Ha! - 16/07/2022 01:51:08 AM 125 Views
You think Trump should have been removed from office over Ukraine? - 21/07/2022 02:44:40 PM 111 Views
I share your concerns around indicting Trump - 21/07/2022 08:44:20 PM 98 Views
To Go Baroque here - 15/07/2022 07:32:27 PM 129 Views
One last thing - 15/07/2022 07:38:04 PM 105 Views

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