1. Why are these "children" being unjustly imprisoned when their mothers are in jail? Shouldn't pregnancy be a get out of jail for till delivery card? Unless you think there's something legal about children going to jail for the crimes of their parents, I'd like to know your position on this.
You know, good question. Maybe the women can go on house arrest. Ahh, whatever keeps her from overdosing and killing them both, right? Maybe we can supply some narcan.
2. Are women obliged to pay for prenatal care? If they can't afford it, must the state beat the entire burden? Or should there be freedom to not make payments you don't want to, even though a "child's" life is at stake?
Sooo medical care's a human right to you, then. Well, that's fine, just understand I don't necessarily agree.
The State does not bear the responsibility for every poor decision its citizens make for themselves in regards to any other action, why should the State bear the responsibility for a womans poor decision for her and her child?
And I know you're gonna go "blurhhh but rape you misogynist!" but that's not what you asked and I'm not wasting more time with you than I must.
I have several more questions if you're willing to discuss your insistence that the fetus is a child. Somehow, though, I'm getting that you'll dodge the issue.
Well you're wrong, you got your answers, and I'm done.