I always hate these type of thought experiments (nothing personal) for it assumes good faith.
No worries and I agree, we absolutely do not live in the ideal. While most may adhere to good faith, history shows us that some humans inevitably will not. That's why I included the caveat.
Hell, right? Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually have some trust in our gov't? This is why Idk what to do. Gotta fix the trust problem before we can work on fixes we can agree to, otherwise we distrust so that cooperation becomes impossible.
We do not want minors who go to Juvie to have a criminal record after they are 18 or after they are 25
And as usual with leftie policies, I can agree with the intent but I heavily disagree with the actual policy; all these soft-on-crime prosecutors merely encourage more youth to commit crimes.
Then again hard-on-crime prosecutors lock up 16 yo black kids with .5oz of pot for 30 years.
I just don't know.
Thus we imagine an ideal father, an ideal system, a mandatory service. This ideal space...
There's times your way annoys me to no end, but hot damn if you don't put things well sometimes.
Person 1: "laws can't do anything to keep powerful weapons out of the hands of the public yet simultaneously the state also has the capacity to create good fathers and transform the spiritual lives of its citizens"
Person 2: (in response) "The unconscious desire for a lawful Father overriding every contingency is very powerful, from where I sit." ... "yet this fantasy is also the unconscious disavowal, is also a disavowal of living actual fathers—not the one created in the image of a God."
Put another way we retreat to fantasy for we feel the present is unbearable, we do not think we can change the unbearable present, so only via the retreat to fantastical (aka things that are so unlikely to happen) can we fill whole again. Via retreating to fantasy we can provide the cathartic relief, the relief of our strong emotions we feel fervently inside. :disapprove
Yes I am FUN at parties!
I mean, it sounds like I'd have fun at your parties...
Regardless, I agree with you here as well; I would merely say this is yet another point towards the "the modern world's fucked" concept I'd alluded to earlier. We've removed actual fathers and actual community, and given the ruined families and communities a false idol that will save them.
The government won't save you. The government can't do everything.
And when it can't, we need community and family.
I have not been following this closely but there is a current Supreme Court case...
Who knows what this current 9 justices will do shrug
Well fuck me sideways, I understand the argument and get it, but holy shit that's a bad look.