Active Users:845 Time:22/02/2025 08:40:26 PM
A dead child for freedom is the choice made every abortion. TyrReborn Send a noteboard - 30/05/2022 08:16:18 PM

You might. I don't, despite also hating their leader the organization and how the people are treated, because I don't hate the people themselves. But I guess that kind of lumping together of all these things comes easily to you? I can state quite honestly that there's no nation on this planet that I hate, while having deep dislike or outright hatred for various aspects of those nations. An alien concept to you, it would seem.

I don't hate America, but even if I did you sure don't behave like I'm entitled to this opinion.

Semantics. "I don't hate it, I just strongly object to everything about it!" That's fine; if you want to say it isn't hate, you can say it isn't hate. But it is apparent.

Go right ahead and do that. I think I'll have you beat in the depth of my belief of how things are wrong in India, and the amount of evidence I can give you to prove that.

Naw, thanks, I know very well that we should get our own house in order before we go criticizing others.

You seem unable to imagine that love can coexist with criticism and distaste for aspects of a nation. What you're demanding of me is blind, idolatry worship.

No, what I'm asking is that you suggest actual solutions. "The Constitution is dumb!" is not a solution.

Whoever you think my ilk are, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about. My literal first response to this post says, right at the top:

Your Twitter buddies aside, there's no serious political conversation about banning all guns or repealing the Second Amendment.

Neither is needed to prevent the massive number of gun deaths in America.

Then you're dense. There are serious political conversations about banning all guns and repealing the Second Amendment. Thank God that will never happen, because 2/3rds of States aren't urban hellholes, but to claim "there's no serious conversation" is patently false.

No thanks. I'll spend my effort pointing out the bad design of the Constitutional Amendment process instead, as that's my understanding of the issue here.

Well, that's fine I suppose. That fits into "deal", even though I'd describe it more as "cry".

Seeing what we've done wrong and how we can do better is political, dolt. You don't know what politics is, just happy to label whatever you dislike as politics.

It's a super convenient position, of course. But in literally every sphere of life and politics, if people are agitating for change and see the absence of change have horrific consequences, they have every right to point out that this is the case.

"These people died so you should give up your rights!" Ok.

But you'd rather not address any of that, want to enforce the status quo, and so anyone daring to point out that the status quo is failing our youngest and most defenseless is, of course the person who is actually evil.

In-fucking-deed! And, horrible that it is, better that 19 children should die in the light of day so that all may see the horror and tragedy of the act, than 1000 a day in the concealed light of a surgery room.

I'm under no obligation to put up with that shit.
Nothing to add here, I couldn't put it better myself.

No. I just hate you for suporting the murder of kids as a price for your unrestricted, unregulated freedom.


I'm sure you think you're all of America, but as I pointed out, that isn't the case. I have plenty of friends and family, colleagues and public figures I admire who, quite contrary to gutter filth like you, are pushing to change the awful state of this country. And I love them.

Well, that's more for the "deal" pile, then, I guess.

Then there should be no law. Let humans freely be as evil or good as they want to be, and let's see whatever becomes of our species.

That's literally what's happening hahahah. There is no law that rules man on this world, the strong will win and the weak will die. And that's why America is dying. Because people like you have made us weak, have made us hate ourselves, while those who murder humanity take advantage and march.

If you believe that, believe it to the hilt. When you pick and choose what "freedoms" you support without limits, and decry anyone pointing out your hypocrisy as an enemy of freedom, all you're doing is attempting to use that incompetent bludgeon of an argument to take away my freedom to make my point. Unfortunately for you, I really don't give a rats ass for those kinds of hypocritical hystrionics.

Hey, guess what, I do. Abortion is murder, but I don't support banning it, because people must be free to choose their actions. In the same spirit, I would have vehemently disagreed with police arresting this deranged shooter before he purchased his gun, had they somehow had the ability to.

People will always choose regardless, attempting to control that will inevitable fail.

Look at any city and state with major gun control laws.

Also, total freedom to buy guns, but no freedom to define yourself and your identity, eh? How's your championing of the human spirit going, again?

"Championing the human spirit" means "lying to people about facts" to you?

What an utterly noxious excuse for a human being you are.

Man, I don't even have to write half this post.

Dude, not one of those times have you actually shown me, factually, that I'm wrong. In this case, for instance, proof that Republicans have constantly offered compromise bills that address the issue of gun violence, which Democrats dismiss because it doesn't go far enough and ban all guns, or do whatever other maximalist Boogeyman law you think they favor...that would constitute proof I'm wrong.

The exact opposite is true here, so of course rather than admit that and focus on the actual problem, you're wasting all our time with hollow, inconsistent claims to bring the champion of freedom and human spirit and flinging accusations of hating America and North Korea and not India, as if this is some kind of zero sum contest.

If they'll continue to insist on conditions that kill kids, I'm not going to give them an ounce of relief. If you want to coddle your precious Republicans, push them to stop rooting for a status quo that has this country such untenable atrocities, rather than asking me to be kind to them.

It's truly contemptuous that you think that real respect for those kids is to shut up and do nothing. What a contemptible coward. But so of a piece with standard Republican gaslighting.

And I'm tired of you dickwads trying to insist that asking for a solution as the world burns is somehow evil. So long as I make you more tired than I am, I'm content. It's not much, and it changes nothing on the ground, but if you're annoyed or exhausted in your attempts to smugly claim the moral high ground of doing nothing as children die, that brings me satisfaction.

So no. I won't fuck off. I won't shut up. If you're tired, you're welcome to not read my posts or reply to them.

And, clearly, that's the right move, because you're a lunatic, and yours, and your friends and families if they're the same as you, is precisely the idiocy that's going to allow autocrats to rule this world.

This message last edited by TyrReborn on 30/05/2022 at 08:18:49 PM
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If no one else wants to open this can of worms, I guess I’ll have to do it - 26/05/2022 02:07:18 AM 1042 Views
Unfortunately, there's not much to say. - 26/05/2022 04:26:10 PM 329 Views
You are not going to get a non emotional discussion about guns, it will never ever be rational - 26/05/2022 08:04:55 PM 286 Views
Re: You are not going to get a non emotional discussion about guns, it will never ever be rational - 26/05/2022 08:36:34 PM 319 Views
There are so many (partial)-solutions and no single one is going to solve it. - 26/05/2022 09:03:10 PM 287 Views
Unfortunately every time there is a mass shooting, gun sales spike. - 26/05/2022 09:26:09 PM 338 Views
Yes - 26/05/2022 09:55:14 PM 284 Views
Re: There are so many (partial)-solutions and no single one is going to solve it. - 26/05/2022 09:56:23 PM 294 Views
You understand two things can both be true, right? - 26/05/2022 10:19:56 PM 269 Views
In such a way - 26/05/2022 10:27:52 PM 298 Views
What Mookie said, Sense and Sensibility with Perspective - 26/05/2022 10:29:04 PM 281 Views
Oh yes, everyone is to blame, and hence no one - 26/05/2022 04:58:37 PM 309 Views
You obviously don't know anything about Canada's gun laws. - 26/05/2022 05:20:25 PM 333 Views
Remarkable - 27/05/2022 03:55:54 AM 293 Views
4% PAL acquisition is, in essence, a ban. - 27/05/2022 04:13:45 AM 277 Views
Well, that was a load of chickenshit - 27/05/2022 05:08:29 AM 297 Views
He said, running away. - 27/05/2022 11:34:19 AM 265 Views
He said, running away. - 27/05/2022 11:34:20 AM 270 Views
You are the RAFO poster child for inability to hold a rational discussion that includes disagreement - 26/05/2022 06:50:11 PM 317 Views
No, we're just disagreeing on what is rational, that is all... - 27/05/2022 03:42:23 AM 288 Views
You just don’t get it. - 27/05/2022 04:22:55 AM 325 Views
I think the same of you... - 27/05/2022 05:05:43 AM 303 Views
Article VI, Clause II - 27/05/2022 05:17:40 AM 288 Views
You're like a broken record. - 27/05/2022 05:23:52 AM 288 Views
Bro you literally come from a country that plays nuclear chicken with Pakistan. - 27/05/2022 11:40:07 AM 293 Views
And? - 27/05/2022 02:24:09 PM 285 Views
Lol Parody account confirmed. - 27/05/2022 04:04:56 PM 321 Views
Your repertoire of insults needs expansion. Keep trying. - 27/05/2022 04:27:35 PM 265 Views
He said, not coming up with any retort of his own. - 27/05/2022 09:58:30 PM 286 Views
whooops *NM* - 27/05/2022 09:58:03 PM 172 Views
Oh, fuck off. - 27/05/2022 06:21:45 PM 311 Views
Why is liking the Constitution a binary thing? - 27/05/2022 08:36:12 PM 271 Views
As you point out, it isn’t binary at all. - 27/05/2022 09:16:18 PM 284 Views
*NM* - 27/05/2022 09:55:28 PM 173 Views
It is not - 28/05/2022 07:19:32 AM 283 Views
Re: Oh, fuck off. - 28/05/2022 06:53:38 AM 294 Views
That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. - 28/05/2022 06:56:05 PM 294 Views
When you shut your eyes, of course you can only see nothing - 28/05/2022 09:43:13 PM 290 Views
A dead child for freedom is the choice made every abortion. - 30/05/2022 08:16:18 PM 280 Views
Oh really? Then explain to me... - 31/05/2022 08:41:09 PM 315 Views
That baby isn't a baby, but that man is a woman - 01/06/2022 01:57:40 AM 291 Views
How would the world be different - 26/05/2022 07:03:22 PM 291 Views
Yes and if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle - 26/05/2022 07:14:08 PM 271 Views
I do not believe the original thread was made with curiosity or charity in mind. - 26/05/2022 07:24:20 PM 266 Views
Well isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black. - 26/05/2022 07:33:12 PM 282 Views
Well it is about respectability politics you see - 26/05/2022 07:38:59 PM 294 Views
You're one of those men. - 26/05/2022 08:27:53 PM 302 Views
Hypocrisy - 26/05/2022 08:42:17 PM 256 Views
I don't know whether English is your first language - 26/05/2022 10:00:04 PM 276 Views
Your attempt at mind reading is an abject failure. - 26/05/2022 07:58:07 PM 273 Views
You started with Foreclosure - 26/05/2022 08:08:36 PM 260 Views
Foreclosure, huh - 26/05/2022 08:48:50 PM 278 Views
My advice is listen to the podcast I linked Dragonsoul *NM* - 26/05/2022 09:05:13 PM 143 Views
One more thing - 26/05/2022 07:25:22 PM 294 Views
And I guess this post proves my point, lol. - 26/05/2022 07:34:48 PM 284 Views
Did I trigger you? - 26/05/2022 07:50:02 PM 246 Views
Never owned a gun, but I support gun rights. But... - 27/05/2022 02:51:26 AM 290 Views
I pretty much agree. - 27/05/2022 03:18:38 AM 298 Views
Yep, what Tyr said *NM* - 27/05/2022 03:27:33 AM 154 Views
The NY Yankees are now tweeting about guns. - 27/05/2022 03:26:45 AM 260 Views
Bah - 27/05/2022 04:25:25 AM 285 Views
Baseball twitter is bad - 27/05/2022 04:29:15 AM 255 Views
UPDATE on the shooter, Salvador Ramos - 27/05/2022 03:27:59 PM 310 Views
Can't be more of a disgrace than waiting an hour to go in and kill him. - 27/05/2022 04:05:58 PM 238 Views
Re: Can't be more of a disgrace than waiting an hour to go in and kill him. - 27/05/2022 04:15:22 PM 291 Views
I disagree. - 27/05/2022 10:02:23 PM 267 Views
It's funny how the left thinks only cops should have guns, but also ACAB. - 27/05/2022 06:15:23 PM 272 Views
They already lost their balls. - 27/05/2022 06:52:52 PM 303 Views
I am glad you protect your family - 27/05/2022 08:46:05 PM 260 Views
But see, this is why the death of community and religion is bad for America. - 27/05/2022 10:12:49 PM 264 Views
Charles Whitman took his rifles to the tower at UT Austin in 1966 and killed 14 random people. - 27/05/2022 10:21:42 PM 280 Views
And in May 1928, a maniac bombed a school in Michigan, killing 44. - 27/05/2022 11:46:34 PM 275 Views
I think the presence of visual imagery provides a mimetic response - 27/05/2022 11:52:32 PM 291 Views
Reasonable, but even then, that's merely another condemnation for the modern world. - 28/05/2022 12:06:30 AM 274 Views
I agree - 28/05/2022 12:56:10 AM 271 Views
I haven't said "bAn GuNs!1" - 27/05/2022 11:33:43 PM 284 Views
This is taken from the late Justice Scalia’s majority opinion in 2008’s DC vs. Heller - 27/05/2022 11:50:40 PM 304 Views
Please do not relitigate Heller with me - 27/05/2022 11:59:21 PM 286 Views
I wasn’t and will not. - 28/05/2022 01:01:59 AM 263 Views
We would scare them off that is what - 28/05/2022 01:43:11 AM 262 Views
You chose wisely - 28/05/2022 02:59:47 AM 274 Views
You did not. My apologies. - 28/05/2022 12:03:43 AM 271 Views
Why not 'harden' all schools and kindergartens with armed guards ? - 30/05/2022 03:40:06 PM 266 Views
You're completely right and I hate it. - 30/05/2022 08:24:29 PM 239 Views
Another podcast I enjoyed - 27/05/2022 08:26:56 PM 284 Views
This thread is reminiscint of the classic Wotmania debates from the aughts. - 29/05/2022 12:22:47 AM 308 Views
Nobody would like my idea, but personally, I think Korea's 2 year mandatory service would do us good - 30/05/2022 08:30:37 PM 261 Views
Yep there is zero chance that will happen. - 31/05/2022 10:32:06 PM 306 Views
Interesting - 31/05/2022 10:56:53 PM 287 Views
Re: Yep there is zero chance that will happen. - 01/06/2022 01:50:37 AM 264 Views
Believe it or not I am not always a Grump - 01/06/2022 03:38:16 AM 278 Views
Hot damn, Moolin Rouge was fantastic! *NM* - 01/06/2022 09:36:04 PM 277 Views
What about trans-men - 31/05/2022 10:07:21 PM 291 Views
an intriguing question - 31/05/2022 10:34:39 PM 293 Views
It's all tongue-in-cheek, and isn't that dumb? - 01/06/2022 02:01:04 AM 280 Views
Can the 21 year olds - 01/06/2022 03:44:08 AM 292 Views
Something tells me this won't factor in anyone's favor... - 01/06/2022 09:08:31 PM 303 Views
Wait, the *late* conservative Justice Alito? - 01/06/2022 03:56:19 PM 294 Views
my bad - 01/06/2022 05:09:22 PM 275 Views
Until the existing gun laws are actually enforced, I am not willing to entertain any new ones - 09/06/2022 09:55:41 PM 324 Views
Oh yeah, and I am sick of the hyperbolic gaslighting by both sides - 09/06/2022 10:02:25 PM 315 Views
Anarchy, the State, and UTOPIA ! - 10/06/2022 08:25:05 PM 288 Views
It gets darker and darker - 22/06/2022 02:10:08 AM 271 Views
It's so bad dude. So bad. Those poor souls... *NM* - 30/06/2022 05:04:56 PM 143 Views

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