Right... absurd. You somehow believe hating a nation's founding documents, culture, people, and society, and yet you don't hate the nation itself? How does that make any sense?
"I don't hate North Korea! I just hate the leader and the organization and how the people there are treated!" Right, so, I hate North Korea. You hate America. It's ok, you're entitled to that opinion, just give it a rest. I don't waste my time blasting India as a hellhole where everything is wrong.
Because you and your ilk constantly make it about preventing Americans from owning guns. Why would law-abiding citizens of this nation worry about that? Lol
Even if it is the people who ask for it and vote accordingly? I have no idea why or who you think is going to be forcing anything, by the way.
Then pass a Constitutional Amendment. Otherwise, fuck off or deal. And, right, you're totally clueless as to who is "forcing anything" while also pushing "prevent Americans from owning guns!" What do you think the latter involves? Asking nicely?
Well you're a fucking moron if you think people should shut up and endure tragedy after tragedy.
Well you're a fucking moron if you can't understand that using a tragedy for political advantage is taking advantage of the harm that tragedies do for purely political purposes. It's super fucked up and wrong. We should mourn, see what we've done wrong, and see how we can do better. But nope! "bAn GuNs U dum amricans lol"
What the fuck is the spirit of a nation that is unwilling to do anything in the face of children dying? There's nothing but rotten filth if that's the spirit of this nation. Thankfully, while that may be the case with you, it isn't the case with everyone else.
Oh look, you hate America. Grats.
The spirit of the nation is freedom. Freedom allows for humanity to be its best, and, unfortunately, freedom allows for humanity to be its worst. If you take away the freedom of humans to be horrible, you also remove the ability for them to be good.
You may choose to live in a society that mandates human behavior and leads to the death of the human spirit, but that's your prerogative.
Also also, it's pretty fucking hilarious seeing you whine about "dead kids!" when you're super pro-abortion. Yeah, you're real concerned about children.
Oh yes, of course we must have some anti-trans statement to round out this stream of poop.
Anti-trans lol. If seeing reality makes me anti-trans, then so be it. Better that than living in a mirage.
I'll say this again: I'll go where I want, and say what I want. For someone who claims to love the American constitution, you seem unable to grasp that that is, in fact, my right. Argue my points as you please, but you have literally 0 right or ability to tell me what to think or do. Stop trying.
And you're wholly entitled to hold those opinions, I'm not saying you can't have them, I'm just saying it's super tiring that any time something bad happens in this nation, "oh look here's fionwe with his 'republicans bad!' schtick again." It's every fucking time and you never say anything new and all you do is argue in bad faith.
Have some fucking respect and mourn the dead without trying to score a slam dunk on those stupid republicans for once in your miserable life.
It's tiring and it's emblematic of your entire ideology.
We're tired of it.