Active Users:323 Time:31/03/2025 05:01:03 AM
It is not fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 28/05/2022 07:19:32 AM

The American constitution has a lot of good ideas. It also has a lot of terrible ones, and others that have aged poorly.

And that is going to be true of every Constitution ever written. A perfect Constitution is as likely as a perfect piece of software. In some fictional, never changing world, you could maybe imagine such a thing, but not in the real world.

The American constitution is a great first draft of a limited democratic government. There's good stuff there to build on. But it is sheer lunacy to think it's a done product that has all the answers to what we face today.

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If no one else wants to open this can of worms, I guess I’ll have to do it - 26/05/2022 02:07:18 AM 1057 Views
Unfortunately, there's not much to say. - 26/05/2022 04:26:10 PM 347 Views
You are not going to get a non emotional discussion about guns, it will never ever be rational - 26/05/2022 08:04:55 PM 300 Views
Re: You are not going to get a non emotional discussion about guns, it will never ever be rational - 26/05/2022 08:36:34 PM 336 Views
There are so many (partial)-solutions and no single one is going to solve it. - 26/05/2022 09:03:10 PM 303 Views
Unfortunately every time there is a mass shooting, gun sales spike. - 26/05/2022 09:26:09 PM 353 Views
Yes - 26/05/2022 09:55:14 PM 298 Views
Re: There are so many (partial)-solutions and no single one is going to solve it. - 26/05/2022 09:56:23 PM 305 Views
You understand two things can both be true, right? - 26/05/2022 10:19:56 PM 281 Views
In such a way - 26/05/2022 10:27:52 PM 310 Views
What Mookie said, Sense and Sensibility with Perspective - 26/05/2022 10:29:04 PM 292 Views
Oh yes, everyone is to blame, and hence no one - 26/05/2022 04:58:37 PM 322 Views
You obviously don't know anything about Canada's gun laws. - 26/05/2022 05:20:25 PM 347 Views
Remarkable - 27/05/2022 03:55:54 AM 304 Views
4% PAL acquisition is, in essence, a ban. - 27/05/2022 04:13:45 AM 289 Views
Well, that was a load of chickenshit - 27/05/2022 05:08:29 AM 310 Views
He said, running away. - 27/05/2022 11:34:19 AM 278 Views
He said, running away. - 27/05/2022 11:34:20 AM 282 Views
You are the RAFO poster child for inability to hold a rational discussion that includes disagreement - 26/05/2022 06:50:11 PM 332 Views
No, we're just disagreeing on what is rational, that is all... - 27/05/2022 03:42:23 AM 302 Views
You just don’t get it. - 27/05/2022 04:22:55 AM 343 Views
I think the same of you... - 27/05/2022 05:05:43 AM 316 Views
Article VI, Clause II - 27/05/2022 05:17:40 AM 301 Views
You're like a broken record. - 27/05/2022 05:23:52 AM 300 Views
Bro you literally come from a country that plays nuclear chicken with Pakistan. - 27/05/2022 11:40:07 AM 320 Views
And? - 27/05/2022 02:24:09 PM 302 Views
Lol Parody account confirmed. - 27/05/2022 04:04:56 PM 333 Views
Your repertoire of insults needs expansion. Keep trying. - 27/05/2022 04:27:35 PM 279 Views
He said, not coming up with any retort of his own. - 27/05/2022 09:58:30 PM 300 Views
whooops *NM* - 27/05/2022 09:58:03 PM 179 Views
Oh, fuck off. - 27/05/2022 06:21:45 PM 324 Views
Why is liking the Constitution a binary thing? - 27/05/2022 08:36:12 PM 291 Views
As you point out, it isn’t binary at all. - 27/05/2022 09:16:18 PM 296 Views
*NM* - 27/05/2022 09:55:28 PM 181 Views
It is not - 28/05/2022 07:19:32 AM 295 Views
Re: Oh, fuck off. - 28/05/2022 06:53:38 AM 308 Views
That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. - 28/05/2022 06:56:05 PM 308 Views
When you shut your eyes, of course you can only see nothing - 28/05/2022 09:43:13 PM 309 Views
A dead child for freedom is the choice made every abortion. - 30/05/2022 08:16:18 PM 291 Views
Oh really? Then explain to me... - 31/05/2022 08:41:09 PM 330 Views
That baby isn't a baby, but that man is a woman - 01/06/2022 01:57:40 AM 304 Views
How would the world be different - 26/05/2022 07:03:22 PM 304 Views
Yes and if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle - 26/05/2022 07:14:08 PM 286 Views
I do not believe the original thread was made with curiosity or charity in mind. - 26/05/2022 07:24:20 PM 276 Views
Well isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black. - 26/05/2022 07:33:12 PM 294 Views
Well it is about respectability politics you see - 26/05/2022 07:38:59 PM 308 Views
You're one of those men. - 26/05/2022 08:27:53 PM 316 Views
Hypocrisy - 26/05/2022 08:42:17 PM 270 Views
I don't know whether English is your first language - 26/05/2022 10:00:04 PM 290 Views
Your attempt at mind reading is an abject failure. - 26/05/2022 07:58:07 PM 288 Views
You started with Foreclosure - 26/05/2022 08:08:36 PM 274 Views
Foreclosure, huh - 26/05/2022 08:48:50 PM 294 Views
My advice is listen to the podcast I linked Dragonsoul *NM* - 26/05/2022 09:05:13 PM 149 Views
One more thing - 26/05/2022 07:25:22 PM 307 Views
And I guess this post proves my point, lol. - 26/05/2022 07:34:48 PM 296 Views
Did I trigger you? - 26/05/2022 07:50:02 PM 257 Views
Never owned a gun, but I support gun rights. But... - 27/05/2022 02:51:26 AM 307 Views
I pretty much agree. - 27/05/2022 03:18:38 AM 313 Views
Yep, what Tyr said *NM* - 27/05/2022 03:27:33 AM 163 Views
The NY Yankees are now tweeting about guns. - 27/05/2022 03:26:45 AM 273 Views
Bah - 27/05/2022 04:25:25 AM 299 Views
Baseball twitter is bad - 27/05/2022 04:29:15 AM 266 Views
UPDATE on the shooter, Salvador Ramos - 27/05/2022 03:27:59 PM 326 Views
Can't be more of a disgrace than waiting an hour to go in and kill him. - 27/05/2022 04:05:58 PM 252 Views
Re: Can't be more of a disgrace than waiting an hour to go in and kill him. - 27/05/2022 04:15:22 PM 309 Views
I disagree. - 27/05/2022 10:02:23 PM 279 Views
It's funny how the left thinks only cops should have guns, but also ACAB. - 27/05/2022 06:15:23 PM 285 Views
They already lost their balls. - 27/05/2022 06:52:52 PM 320 Views
I am glad you protect your family - 27/05/2022 08:46:05 PM 274 Views
But see, this is why the death of community and religion is bad for America. - 27/05/2022 10:12:49 PM 279 Views
Charles Whitman took his rifles to the tower at UT Austin in 1966 and killed 14 random people. - 27/05/2022 10:21:42 PM 297 Views
And in May 1928, a maniac bombed a school in Michigan, killing 44. - 27/05/2022 11:46:34 PM 290 Views
I think the presence of visual imagery provides a mimetic response - 27/05/2022 11:52:32 PM 306 Views
Reasonable, but even then, that's merely another condemnation for the modern world. - 28/05/2022 12:06:30 AM 289 Views
I agree - 28/05/2022 12:56:10 AM 287 Views
I haven't said "bAn GuNs!1" - 27/05/2022 11:33:43 PM 300 Views
This is taken from the late Justice Scalia’s majority opinion in 2008’s DC vs. Heller - 27/05/2022 11:50:40 PM 319 Views
Please do not relitigate Heller with me - 27/05/2022 11:59:21 PM 302 Views
I wasn’t and will not. - 28/05/2022 01:01:59 AM 276 Views
We would scare them off that is what - 28/05/2022 01:43:11 AM 281 Views
You chose wisely - 28/05/2022 02:59:47 AM 288 Views
You did not. My apologies. - 28/05/2022 12:03:43 AM 283 Views
Why not 'harden' all schools and kindergartens with armed guards ? - 30/05/2022 03:40:06 PM 278 Views
You're completely right and I hate it. - 30/05/2022 08:24:29 PM 251 Views
Another podcast I enjoyed - 27/05/2022 08:26:56 PM 299 Views
This thread is reminiscint of the classic Wotmania debates from the aughts. - 29/05/2022 12:22:47 AM 327 Views
Nobody would like my idea, but personally, I think Korea's 2 year mandatory service would do us good - 30/05/2022 08:30:37 PM 274 Views
Yep there is zero chance that will happen. - 31/05/2022 10:32:06 PM 320 Views
Interesting - 31/05/2022 10:56:53 PM 305 Views
Re: Yep there is zero chance that will happen. - 01/06/2022 01:50:37 AM 278 Views
Believe it or not I am not always a Grump - 01/06/2022 03:38:16 AM 296 Views
Hot damn, Moolin Rouge was fantastic! *NM* - 01/06/2022 09:36:04 PM 294 Views
What about trans-men - 31/05/2022 10:07:21 PM 304 Views
an intriguing question - 31/05/2022 10:34:39 PM 306 Views
It's all tongue-in-cheek, and isn't that dumb? - 01/06/2022 02:01:04 AM 298 Views
Can the 21 year olds - 01/06/2022 03:44:08 AM 306 Views
Something tells me this won't factor in anyone's favor... - 01/06/2022 09:08:31 PM 319 Views
Wait, the *late* conservative Justice Alito? - 01/06/2022 03:56:19 PM 311 Views
my bad - 01/06/2022 05:09:22 PM 290 Views
Until the existing gun laws are actually enforced, I am not willing to entertain any new ones - 09/06/2022 09:55:41 PM 341 Views
Oh yeah, and I am sick of the hyperbolic gaslighting by both sides - 09/06/2022 10:02:25 PM 332 Views
Anarchy, the State, and UTOPIA ! - 10/06/2022 08:25:05 PM 306 Views
It gets darker and darker - 22/06/2022 02:10:08 AM 288 Views
It's so bad dude. So bad. Those poor souls... *NM* - 30/06/2022 05:04:56 PM 153 Views

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