And I am glad you also do not believe in Great Replacement Theory, but people can literally say the exact words you just said two weeks ago and then shoot up 10 people in Buffalo New York.
Also we do know from that Buffalo NY he was in regular correspondence with several people via Discord fan groups. One of the people he was in regular correspondence was a retired FBI agent from Texas.
Yeah. That's what isolation and hatred do to a motherfucker. It's strange how, before our nation ripped apart the nuclear family and self-isolated into echo chambers on the internet, this sort of horrendous act was not a thing. It's almost as if, when people are members of a legitimate, loving community, who look out for, care for, and truly hope for the best of each member of the community, people have less reason to buy guns and murder 19 children and 2 heroic teachers.
And maybe telling those same groups of isolated, angry people "there is no God, there's nothing after you die, there's never any punishment for you if your life ends today" is also a bad call.
But what the fuck do I know, I'm a bigot.
About 3% of Americans own 50% of the Guns. I am comfortable with men and women having Guns (not all types of Guns) but when it is distributed like that,
Uh, hold the fuck up a second here. I thought the Buffalo shooter had just purchased his weapons? We know the Uvalde did. I'm fairly certain neither of them belonged to that 3%.
In fact, I'd argue it's the other, what, 27% who buy the other 50% that would be a bigger threat. Those who own large caches know they're probably in databases, know that due to the sheer number of purchases they could certainly be physically tracked, and clearly have every intention of not dying tomorrow.
That's one of the reasons I'm totally good with waiting periods; if I decide I need another gun to defend my home and family, I'm probably comfortable with waiting around 3 months and doing a background check. If I wanted a gun for something violent because I were an angry isolated 18 year old, I'd probably be in a different phase, or hopefully be getting some sort of mental health, by the end of that 3 months.
but also the far more common everyday "passive aggressive" form of controlling space and sometimes that passive aggression leads to actual death for the nice dividing line between passive and actual aggressive is a hair trigger.
And I can understand why you feel that way, but logically, you do know that the vast majority of gun violence in this nation is committed with handguns. You're far more likely to be shot by someone with their .38 over a road-rage incident than end up in a mass shooting.
I sincerely understand your distrust and dislike of firearms, but we can't let our personal feelings displace facts. There's reasonable, lawful steps we can take to do better, and "bAn GuNs!1" ain't it.