To you, the position "we have more kids dying at the end of a gun at school than any other advanced nation, but there are constitutional limits that prevent us from doing much about it" is a rational view. Whether you hold it or not, you give it the deference of a rational position that must be debated respectfully.
To me, that view is insanity. A Constitution exists to protect people. It's not just not sacred, it is very much meant to be contradicted and modified to meet the demands of the moment.
But kids are dying. I think you'll find plenty of people "on the other side" of this not just willing but desperate to at least pass compromise legislation. Forget repealing the Second Amendment, forget going to back to the previous interpretation that it wasn't referring to an individual right to bear arms... Forget anything that would be momentous and big. Do the basics, and plenty of people are desperate enough they'll vote for it, because their constituents will not stomach anything else.
But you don't get to hold to the position that there's irrationality on both sides, bad faith on both sides, and there's some symmetry here between the positions, and not trigger a response.
If that's tough for you to handle, that's your prerogative. But on the day I have to tell my nephew of 8 that no, school from home isn't actually preferable, even though he's not wrong to be scared about a shooting in his classroom...on a day like that, like fuck I'm going to let that kind of smug bullshit fly.