First, you need a PAL (possession and acquisition license) just to be able to have a firearm. The licenses are not easy to acquire and routinely take years to be granted (in 2019, only 4% of Ontarians had a PAL).
Second, the firearm and the ammunition must be kept in separate locations and in lock boxes away from one and other - ie. gun kept in one locked box on a shelf, and ammunition kept in a separate locked box on a different shelf. This is true even at home - so, for example, if you have a home invader and want to defend yourself or your family, you have to run and unlock one box, then run and unlock another, then load your firearm - and hope the criminal in your house doesn't have a banned weapon (like an AR-15 style rifle) and kills you or your family before you can load your gun.
Third, you are not allowed to transport the gun anywhere but to the gun range, and it must be kept locked separately from ammunition (which also must be locked) in the trunk of your vehicle. You can be charged for deviating from travel to the gun range (ie. stopping to get groceries with the gun locked in your trunk, or stopping to get gas with the gun in your trunk).
Fourth, you must register your firearm with the RCMP, who can then come by and check on it - you have no right to refuse them entry to your home or vehicle.
"But Canada is far from banning guns, but still has a fraction of gun deaths compared to America, and that's a reasonable model for America to follow."
Far from banning guns? Canada literally makes it so hard to acquire or use firearms that most people can't get them (except, of course for the criminals, who don't care about existing gun laws).
You either know nothing about Canadian gun laws (possible, you don't seem to know much about anything before talking about it) or you know about Canada's gun laws and are just trying to pass a ban off as if it's not a ban (also possible).
Your call to "regulate" guns as Canada has done would never pass constitutional muster, and "tougher laws" will only have the effect of taking guns away from people who obey the laws in the first place.
Guess what? The people committing gun crimes aren't the ones who are planning to obey the law. So you can outlaw AR-15 style guns, and someone will just buy one on the black market and shoot up a school, or they'll just use pistols, as Seung-Hui Cho did at VA Tech. Because when you're gonna murder someone, do you really care that the gun you're going to use to do it is illegal?
Regardless, like usual, you're wrong.