The only abortion question that matters is whether the fetus is a human life. If it is, then terminating it is homicide and subject to the same rigor as any other to determine whether justified or not.
If it isn’t a life then abortion is elective surgery.
Bottom line.
Was the Catholic Church EVIL when it permitted* (did not excommunicate) women who had abortions prior to the 3.5 to 4.25 months of pregnancy (the Quickening)
You stated this is the only abortion question that matters, so please answer the question! Did those women and by extension the church do a mortal sin equivalent to homicide?
*this has not always been the case, depends on the time and place. The world is messy, it was never Eternal. The logic of the church has changed several times, and even when the Church is against abortion in all cases it uses different underlying logics to justify this decision in different times and places.
Come on please say it, EVIL or Not Evil?