I will argue all humans possess lack. Either in their person or they feel they are lacking something they want from the external world such as human relations with other humans, humans interacting with systems, money, and so on.
But one thing about humans we forget is we often choose to embrace lack in order to not feel lack in other areas. We choose to be an awesome father even if that means less money to spend on video games, or a million other opportunity costs that dads want to do.
Thus we do a reversal of the concept of lack inside of our minds, we turn a negative into a positive, and there will always be a negative but it is a negative that we can voluntarily bare or else the world would be unbearable.
This is the concept of psycho-"castration" (the lack we can not get rid of we feel agitated about one or many things) but at the same time we are voluntarly choosing "repression" in order to be happy. Repression gives us "agency" if its a repression that we choose but it is pain / suffering / negative pathos when it is repression we feel others put onto ourselves. And god I hate these names but they are 100 year old psych concepts. (And psychodynamics / psychoanalysis has a whole lots of problems which the tradition calls out.)
Elon Musk is a hero to people who feel they are castrated and repressed in a manner that they would not voluntarily choose. God the man Musk has lots of flaws (which I pointed out earlier.) But people overlooks the flaws of their heroes for they are doing something they care about and it is the magical missing thing in their lives which they think will fix all their problems the magical "lost object."
Wish I could have made this post shorter, but I too have lack.
And like Aerocontrols said (points go to my fellow Matt from Wichita ) Elon is kicking ass in Space right now even if I can still fault like any watcher of the NFL. Hero Worship,
Thursdays What a concept!