Active Users:316 Time:29/03/2025 04:06:50 AM
Not just in 2022, though fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 12/02/2022 07:10:48 PM

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In 2022, all news articles are opinion pieces, regardless of the source.

Walter Cronkite was an opinion journalist. He chose what to report on, and what not to report on. And any number of issues and injustices were ignored by him, not even out of malice or indifference, necessarily. Just lack of awareness, which every human suffers from, is enough to make the idea of "objective" news nonsensical.

News is, and always will be, a two way street. Yes, the journalist must use the utmost caution to be factual and at least acknowledge other perspectives, if only to poke holes in them. But the news consumer must also do their due diligence. Believe no one person fully, diversify your sources, and spend the time to get as full a picture as possible

Refusing to spend that time and simply blaming the media is a chickenish way to absolve oneself of responsibility.

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Judicial activism - 09/02/2022 09:33:40 PM 665 Views
Can you reference - 09/02/2022 09:38:55 PM 368 Views
Agrees with Jeo *NM* - 09/02/2022 09:44:46 PM 172 Views
Here - 09/02/2022 11:27:15 PM 345 Views
So I can't read it - 09/02/2022 11:52:04 PM 334 Views
Here's the opinion itself - 10/02/2022 08:51:27 AM 394 Views
I don't understand that.. - 12/02/2022 06:53:06 PM 295 Views
we actually agree on this - 12/02/2022 07:04:56 PM 310 Views
Not just in 2022, though - 12/02/2022 07:10:48 PM 305 Views
Having grown up watching Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley I concur with your point. - 12/02/2022 07:46:26 PM 312 Views
Yep *NM* - 12/02/2022 08:03:19 PM 170 Views
well I feel stupid - 10/02/2022 04:08:10 AM 317 Views
You're referring to an entirely different case... see my reply to Jeo for the details on this one. - 10/02/2022 09:03:40 AM 285 Views
Oops - 10/02/2022 03:32:33 PM 333 Views
Purpose achieved! I win again! *NM* - 12/02/2022 06:54:36 PM 158 Views
So what's your point about activism? - 11/02/2022 10:54:21 AM 348 Views
Hilarious that *you* would be whining about judicial activism. Shameless. *NM* - 12/02/2022 06:06:12 PM 172 Views
I have no issue with judicial activism, dolt. - 12/02/2022 07:06:49 PM 318 Views
Not your best analogy. - 12/02/2022 08:47:04 PM 304 Views
Actually, I consider it one of my best analogies. - 12/02/2022 09:19:40 PM 288 Views
you've made better - 12/02/2022 10:23:39 PM 323 Views
I dunno - 12/02/2022 10:34:57 PM 298 Views
why do you think this is an example of judicial activism? - 14/02/2022 09:01:40 PM 388 Views
I like how you don't even attempt to have a reasonable discussion - 16/02/2022 03:01:57 PM 330 Views
This amused me. *NM* - 16/02/2022 03:36:31 PM 163 Views
As it should - 16/02/2022 05:43:28 PM 305 Views
I'm sure you do - 16/02/2022 04:21:09 PM 310 Views
Your point is to troll - 16/02/2022 05:41:26 PM 328 Views
I'm truly devastated... - 17/02/2022 06:00:01 AM 303 Views
Will this continue? - 17/02/2022 04:07:11 PM 315 Views
No - 17/02/2022 07:11:12 PM 306 Views
Popcorn is always required! - 18/02/2022 03:14:01 PM 337 Views
Nobody ever offers to do a grilling, it is always popcorn. - 18/02/2022 06:51:17 PM 280 Views
One does not have a rational discussion if something is fundamentally "perverse" - 17/02/2022 12:21:32 AM 332 Views
I'm glad you can't resist me - 17/02/2022 07:09:43 PM 291 Views
Are you doing “well” in this dread of Winter? - 17/02/2022 08:05:04 PM 318 Views
Re: Judicial activism - 19/05/2022 11:16:24 PM 336 Views
He just doesn't understand what judicial activism means. - 20/05/2022 03:55:24 PM 283 Views

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