The "girl power" nonsense has undermined any semblance of the world Jordan created. Nowhere was this more evident than in this abortion of a season finale. The men are all stupid. Lord Agelmar was morphed from being one of the Five Great Captains and a man of chivalry and grace to match his skill as a leader of armies, into a stubborn buffoon who mansplains to Aes Sedai and refuses to listen to counsel. Perrin is useless, even when confronted by Fain stabbing Loial and 2 Fades. As Cannoli pointed out, he's too dim to even offer to help digging up the Horn. We can't have Rand saving Tarwin's Gap. Let's have three random woman channelers plus the two untrained supergirls do it! And let's suspend all the rules about circles to make it more dramatic! Won't that be cool!
And that was obviously the intention of the showrunner who claims in interviews that he will continue to make choices that will infuriate the book lover crowd.
Does that make me a misogynist?
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.