02:22 Okay, these are Illianers based on the bees. I am really hoping Tam isn’t going to be beaten up by Shaiel and only saved by a contraction. Let’s try to remember, he’s a blademaster of sufficient experience to take the number two spot in the army despite being a foreigner. She’s pregnant with less than seven years of experience in hand-to-hand combat.
The Companions are the Illianer version of the French Foreign Legion, sort of. Elite troops with an unknown but non-zero percentage of foreigners, but a much smaller group than the Illianer army. The top spots in the actual army of Illian would all be Illianers.
It's unclear, I think, whether 2nd Captain of the Companions is the second in command or one of several officers who serve at the second level below the 1st Captain.
Of course, blademaster should be enough to 1v1 almost any Aiel, and an officer's rank hopefully has less to do with hand-to-hand skill and more to with skill at tactics.