Little Mookie came into this world.
Other than the obvious statement that it beats the alternative, it’s difficult to say how I feel about reaching this age. By any definition of the word, I’m elderly but don’t view myself as such. I have been blessed with excellent physical health, to the point that despite being significantly overweight, my blood pressure and lipid numbers are all great. Knock on wood I might be around longer than I ever expected.
Or not. No one ever knows for sure. Suffice to say, I’m playing the 18th hole of life. And this course is like miniature golf. When the ball goes in the hole, it goes back into the office and you don’t get it back!
Oh well, at least for the next 365 days I can say my age matches my favorite number! Thanks to everyone still here and all who have left for all the memories.
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.