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Executing members of Congress to achieve your political goals? Damn right it is! fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 19/01/2021 07:48:25 PM

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No, right, I get that, but again; what does that have to do with Trump entreating a mob to assault the Capitol? And yes, I know you're fionwe, not entyti, but my point still stands. It is by no means double-think to say #1. Donald Trump had the election stolen from him. and #2. Donald Trump entreated a mob to assault the Capitol.

How are these two not related? Would the mob have followed his entreaty if they hadn't been fed this apocalyptic story about the election being stolen?
Those two things are inextricable linked. Each is part of the means Trump incited the violence on that day.
Donald Trump is inextricably tied to both issues, sure, but they're still different issues.

They are not. This is like saying a murderer lifting a gun, and then shooting his victim, are different issues.
This tying literally everything about the man together into one whole thing does nothing but make the issue worse.

Not that that is what's going on here, but why? Why are we supposed to look at him piece-meal? How we judge literally everyone else is by the sum total of their actions. Why does Donald Trump get the special treatment of hermetically sealing his different behaviors in how you judge each of them?
Whatever your beliefs about the legitimacy of the election should have no bearing on the fact that Donald Trump entreated a mob to assault the Capitol.

Of course they do. If you think the election was legitimately stolen, you'd be open to a lot more action than if not. Motives and goals inform actions. They're crucial context for judging actions. You can't condemn the violence in the Capitol without condemning the lies that gave rise to that violence.

Uh, I'm not entirely certain you meant this to me? I'm in no way trying to excise Trump from any of this, I agree the mob that attacked the Capitol was an armed mob who Trump himself summoned for reasons Trump himself made up apparently wholecloth, and I'm way past being done with Trump's shit. So again, was this paragraph even intended for me?

Umm.. yes? You keep trying to say that the truth or falsehood of his elections claims don't matter. Then you have this paragraph that indicates otherwise. Which one is it?

If force is not on the table when it comes to the government, the government can exercise force without repercussion.

That's not even remotely true. Governments are subject to any number of checks and balances that do not involve force. Heck, foreign governments exercising colonial rule have been excised predominently on the strength of non-violent resistance multiple times, so its batshit insane to make a claim of this nature.
I am in no way encouraging an armed uprising against the government.

Then what the fuck does this mean?

I don't either, but dragging out and executing Congress was never going to be bloodless. Now, however, anyone who tries it will have to fight through a rapidly-militarizing district, into a heavily-fortified building. What could have been accomplished with ~500 dead and a newly elected Congress will now require a multi-day battle and thousands of casualties.

What I am saying is that, if an armed uprising ever were required against the government, the changes being made, as a result of Donald Trump's actions in entreating a mob to attack the Capitol, will result in an even more bloody outcome than would have been necessary.

Yeah, that's encouragement. If you don't want it to be harder to execute members of Congress by mob violence, decrying measures to prevent that makes no sense.
It's not a joke, it's not justification, it's neither encouragement nor self-pity or anything remotely resembling a plan, it's reality. And reality is sometimes bloody. And now, thanks to Donald Trump, that possible reality will be even more bloody.

This is about as nonsensical a statement as is possible, if you're not "encouraging an armed uprising against the government".
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Storm the Capitol! - 06/01/2021 08:11:17 PM 1007 Views
Bought an Electric Kettle today - 06/01/2021 10:18:41 PM 307 Views
Grumbles about how local rain ruined the 1 hour of Sun I was supposed to get prior to the Sunset - 06/01/2021 11:54:34 PM 316 Views
Bah humbag? - 07/01/2021 12:16:45 AM 306 Views
It is my accent, you should love it *NM* - 07/01/2021 12:34:26 AM 174 Views
I honestly don't know what to say... - 07/01/2021 01:58:44 AM 301 Views
I got work done, I did shopping - 07/01/2021 02:27:10 AM 277 Views
It looks very bad. Trump is apparently dead wrong. But your little remark there in the end... - 07/01/2021 08:12:53 AM 361 Views
He said... - 07/01/2021 10:41:43 PM 359 Views
Re: It looks very bad. Trump is apparently dead wrong. But your little remark there in the end... - 10/01/2021 11:44:57 PM 326 Views
I agree with most of those, but your last point is not a fair comparison. - 11/01/2021 02:31:47 AM 340 Views
Umm I think your memory may be faulty - 11/01/2021 03:30:50 AM 317 Views
Re: Umm I think your memory may be faulty - 11/01/2021 03:39:58 AM 313 Views
I'm really bad at this old formatting style... really bad. *NM* - 11/01/2021 03:47:17 AM 195 Views
Lol. Not sure how to reply when the text has been edited out - 11/01/2021 12:22:32 PM 299 Views
Yeah, sorry, I really screwed the pooch there huh. - 13/01/2021 08:54:32 PM 306 Views
See above. Reddit has spoiled me. *NM* - 11/01/2021 03:47:53 AM 171 Views
... Don't ask. *NM* - 11/01/2021 03:48:17 AM 177 Views
If your venting then go on venting. That's cool. *NM* - 11/01/2021 09:38:42 AM 164 Views
Ah the strategic retreat... - 11/01/2021 12:09:00 PM 291 Views
I liked Ross Douthat's article on this - as I have often, these past months. - 11/01/2021 06:26:03 PM 505 Views
Hmm... - 11/01/2021 09:05:50 PM 305 Views
Do we ignore his Oct 10 Column? There Will Be No Trump Coup *NM* - 11/01/2021 10:01:00 PM 200 Views
LOL - 12/01/2021 01:13:01 AM 299 Views
This was manufactured chaos - 12/01/2021 01:05:46 AM 322 Views
Yes it was. Manufactured by Trump and his enablers. *NM* - 12/01/2021 01:14:59 AM 200 Views
You’re a cutie pie *NM* - 12/01/2021 02:02:14 AM 156 Views
And you're a dingus. *NM* - 12/01/2021 05:28:27 PM 151 Views
And you're a robot... - 12/01/2021 07:00:13 PM 272 Views
Really? - 13/01/2021 09:12:31 PM 281 Views
Really... - 15/01/2021 04:32:55 AM 280 Views
Fair enough, for the most part. - 15/01/2021 07:34:05 PM 275 Views
This is just... Surreal - 15/01/2021 09:44:49 PM 286 Views
Yes, this is just like ISIS. - 16/01/2021 01:31:16 AM 267 Views
Executing members of Congress to achieve your political goals? Damn right it is! - 19/01/2021 07:48:25 PM 283 Views
NM *NM* - 12/01/2021 06:59:15 PM 155 Views

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