I'm a big space nerd...I love space stuff, whether it's real life or science fiction. I remember vividly both Challenger and Columbia. I was little, but we watched Challenger live on TV, because it had a teacher going into space...so we watched it at school.
And then for Columbia, I happened to be in a place where I would be able to see the shuttle returning through the atmosphere. I went outside to look and a lot of people were standing outside to see it. And when it came into view, people started pointing and gawking...not realizing what they were seeing. I started to say out loud, "No, something is wrong...you don't understand!"
People then were shouting me down...it wasn't until it got closer that they could see several different streaks across the sky, and they started asking "what's that?" That's when I started saying again..."Something is wrong. The shuttle doesn't look like that when it re-enters the atmosphere."
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985