You are really going to double down and say this is just a matter of opinion?? Wow.
I was going to let it slide that you called me a moron but I changed my mind.
I challenge you on that. I am not a moron. I understand with clarity what your view on the matter is. I also understand that you are either a moron yourself in your ability to conflate the 2 proposed scenarios OR.... you are evil. Like literally evil incarnate. I have more faith in you than that though and relegate you to the bucket of morons.
I am talking about David Hume and Adam Smith as older people, Jonathan Haidt as a more recent person.
What we consider to be more important vs less important in morality is not universal but instead cultural. It is something we are first taught, and then we expanded upon roughly the age of 8 all the way to death where our own insights are added to what we are first taught.
According to you, that I do not share the same moral framework as you that makes me a Demon just because we have a difference of opinion. Yep that makes you a moron for we have enough historical and sociological evidence gestures at the world that just because one person lived in France and another person lived in Indonesia there are differences in how they see some things from a moral standpoint, but these differences of opinion does not make the other group inherently immoral.