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Re: I agree vandevere Send a noteboard - 01/07/2020 02:09:14 AM

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I find it particularly reprehensible when single parents are pressured into pleading guilty by the threat of their children disappearing into the black hole of child protective services. Your kids aren’t taken away but you are saddled with a criminal record when a decent lawyer might have gotten charges dismissed or never filed in the first place.

It’s a disgrace.

I suspect it's because the Law Enforcement agencies don't want to waste time and resources finding the true perps, so by and large, they go after the "Low Hanging Fruit" because it's easier...

If the human brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't understand it.
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Indians are being held up as a model minority. That's not helping the Black Lives Matter movement - 29/06/2020 06:59:25 PM 852 Views
As part of the "model" minority - 29/06/2020 08:18:17 PM 365 Views
How have you failed? - 29/06/2020 10:31:17 PM 357 Views
I still don't do enough. Silence and inaction are failure enough - 30/06/2020 03:29:29 AM 330 Views
I have to be honest, the privilege argument is dubious. - 30/06/2020 04:19:42 AM 371 Views
Re: I have to be honest, the privilege argument is dubious. - 30/06/2020 05:39:30 AM 498 Views
Here you go, you can also look up the raw census data - 30/06/2020 01:40:24 PM 332 Views
Some thoughts... - 30/06/2020 06:19:28 AM 349 Views
Re: Some thoughts... - 30/06/2020 02:08:10 PM 346 Views
I'm actually *very* curious of this myself.... - 30/06/2020 04:54:48 PM 348 Views
Maybe Canada. *NM* - 30/06/2020 06:57:01 PM 166 Views
Canada seems to have the same racial income gap issues as the US - 30/06/2020 07:29:21 PM 472 Views
Yeah I wouldn't write off Europe - 30/06/2020 11:49:32 PM 364 Views
here is an interesting article on mass incarceration in the USA. - 30/06/2020 02:30:09 PM 421 Views
Wow, good stuff, thanks for posting! *NM* - 30/06/2020 02:57:08 PM 179 Views
Interesting read indeed. - 30/06/2020 08:29:53 PM 351 Views
Not just a rich person - 30/06/2020 08:51:44 PM 322 Views
I have three anecdatas - 30/06/2020 09:23:10 PM 349 Views
Okay... this is just like old times, when I'd often have no idea what you were getting at. - 30/06/2020 09:49:03 PM 326 Views
Old timez - 30/06/2020 10:02:10 PM 331 Views
The Jury Trial - 30/06/2020 11:51:54 PM 335 Views
It’s easy to understand why. - 01/07/2020 12:09:44 AM 314 Views
There's more - 01/07/2020 12:55:57 AM 310 Views
I agree - 01/07/2020 02:04:50 AM 349 Views
Re: I agree - 01/07/2020 02:09:14 AM 315 Views
Guilt doesn't have much to do with it... - 01/07/2020 03:51:05 AM 329 Views
Yes, I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. - 01/07/2020 03:52:15 AM 320 Views
Oh god yes, I've heard of several instances of that - 01/07/2020 03:49:42 AM 334 Views
So you see that compassionate conservatives can exist? We aren’t mythical creatures? *NM* - 01/07/2020 03:55:45 AM 163 Views
I sincerely hope you aren't serious about this... - 01/07/2020 04:01:57 AM 335 Views
It was a little tongue in cheek - 01/07/2020 04:20:08 AM 339 Views
Re: It was a little tongue in cheek - 01/07/2020 06:23:20 AM 328 Views
a couple of points - 01/07/2020 07:42:32 PM 334 Views
What do you know about Biden's health that we don't know? *NM* - 01/07/2020 08:53:45 PM 182 Views
Re: a couple of points - 01/07/2020 10:05:08 PM 336 Views
Mook - Fionwe is a radical. You are not. - 01/07/2020 04:33:45 PM 331 Views
yes I suppose it was a foolish comment. - 01/07/2020 05:44:05 PM 334 Views
I'm honestly not sure even meant it... - 01/07/2020 07:38:26 PM 313 Views
I kind of did when I wrote it, lame as it sounds now. - 01/07/2020 07:51:21 PM 310 Views
We've found plenty of common ground - 01/07/2020 10:06:19 PM 305 Views
Part of real common ground, real synchronization - 01/07/2020 11:43:49 PM 296 Views
It amuses me... - 01/07/2020 07:03:43 PM 334 Views
You're welcome. Come again. XOXO - 01/07/2020 07:05:11 PM 312 Views
Aww - 01/07/2020 07:36:55 PM 313 Views
Sweetie, we can always zhuzz it up! First we need some more glitter. - 01/07/2020 07:39:42 PM 299 Views
Waterloo seems the most appropriate for the moment... - 01/07/2020 10:01:33 PM 314 Views
No, darling. We're playing Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) - 02/07/2020 05:25:07 PM 308 Views
On drug based incarcerations... - 01/07/2020 12:01:40 AM 285 Views
"most on nonviolent drug charges" - 30/06/2020 09:25:09 PM 335 Views
This White/Non-White Binary choice is simplistic. And leaves no room for nuance. - 01/07/2020 03:46:17 PM 333 Views
Absolutely right, I read an interesting article on this a while ago. - 01/07/2020 10:58:59 PM 349 Views
You have a binary choice... - 02/07/2020 12:10:49 AM 308 Views
Found the article (or at least something similar). - 01/07/2020 11:04:53 PM 317 Views

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