Specifically regarding the War on Drugs, minimum sentencing...those are not codified examples like Jim Crow laws. How can I state that? Because the law itself does not say "Individuals of non-Caucasian descent are subject to these specific sentences."
No, instead the law disproportionately effects certain groups. That's not codified racism. It's not entrapment. On the outside, it could be setting up a law with the (unspoken?) goal of locking up a certain demographic of individuals.
I've never been a fan of minimum sentencing, because it takes away a judge's ability to fit the sentence to the individual/situation in a way that no blanket statement can. As for the War on Drugs....well....don't take drugs? Non-violent drug offenders are different from drug cartels and they should be treated differently.
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985