They claim the moral high ground and claim its about saving lives. We cares soooo much about the lives. The lives must be saved. And then they support a cause that is seeing more deaths than the cause they are rioting for.
With the kung flu, all they really cared about is crashing the economy because they thought it would affect Trump's reelection chances. As soon as a bigger monster of race relations rears its ugly head... you know.. something that might MORE affect Trump's reelection chances, they throw the old one out the window and latch on to the new one. The moral and intellectual inconsistency is so comical. I think most people in the USA see it for what it is. We'll see the Bradley Effect in November and most people wont be surprised.
When people are scared, they turn to the Conservatives for stability, law, and order. This means that life long democrats will vote against how they've always voted as long as things are unstable like this.
What is so weird to me? Me. as a white middle aged man.... when i am speaking with a cop, i am fully aware of the threat that he poses. I know that if I make a wrong move, I could forfeit my life. I know that aggressive movements and putting my hands in my pocket will get me killed. I know that if i start punching a cop in the face, it likely will lead to my death. If i have ANYTHING in my hand and i point it near the cops, i will likely end up shot multiple times. Why do black people think these realizations and fears are unique to their experience?
The problem is about empathy. Those who demand empathy are not willing to give it.