How does one determine that their wealth is "stolen"? Another question is by what measurement was that determination made from? And yet another question is who are you to make that determination?
...caused wealth to be stolen? Every slave who earned no or very limited wages contributed to the economy of this country and was denied fair compensation for the economic value their brought in, no?
When they were never compensated for multiple generations of such theft, why would the descendents of those slaves be obliged to respect and refrain from harming the property of those who still continue to disproportionately enjoy the fruits of that theft?
It is one thing to ask for that respect while also insisting on and working to correct the impacts of that theft, either by fighting for reparations or other economic compensatory mechanisms.
But Cannoli has stated that such asks are nonsensical. He represents the very system that insists that it is okay to steal away people from another continent, make them and their descendents work for generations with no compensation, then turns around and insists their descendents respect property and goods today.
He has no moral standing for his case.
Unsure if that is what Ghavrel meant.