The rest of us will continue to take measures to prevent that. And hey, if that means morons like you who are better cleared from the gene pool survive, that's a price I'm willing to pay.
This is a made-up crisis. If the danger is real, why do they have to inflate the numbers by attributing deaths from co-morbidities to the virus. People killed in car crashes, who have Wuhan antibodies in their system are being tallied as pandemic fatalities. There is a case in my own hometown of a fatal motor vehicle accident and the insurance company of the at-fault driver is refusing to pay, because the cause of death for their client's victim is listed as COVID.
I don't believe they are inflating numbers - there will be some they are too ready to attribute to COVID, but also some where they aren't when they should. E.g. the Russian approach, where a person might be sick with serious conditions, but would still have lived another 6 months without COVID, dies thanks to COVID but they won't attribute it to it as other causes.
I think the link below shows there has been a definite impact thanks to COVID, which is also reflected in many overseas jurisdictions (that also suggests that some areas likely undercounted it).