You are not wrong, but still hear me out.
The people who support trump have already made up an mental framework why they support trump.
The people who are ambivalent about trump have already made up an mental framework why they are ambivalent about trump.
The people who think Trump is dangerous for he is sloppy and careless already have a framework.
The people who HATE Trump have a list that is at least 30 lines long of dozens of reasons why they despise the man for Trump does not do a single despicable thing, but instead does everything he is capable of getting away with.
Yadda, yadda, yadda.
To change peoples minds you are not going to provide new evidence to them that they haven't already seen similar evidence throughout the last 4 years. There is no secret combination of external information that is not similar enough to other things that already exist.
Instead you need to ask questions, listen, and create an alternative social support system for often the people who support Trump do it to their old internal framework they spent years creating. Or they are scarred and they cling to a social network of people who already like Trump and one more outrage is not going to change it, for Trump has done dozen of outrageous things.
To these people who Support Trump or are Ambivalent to Trump you feel like an outside force, an "other" who is constantly badgering them and thus they will not give you the time of day for it is a mental tax, this badgering, and there is no profit in changing their mind in cooperation with you. There is no gain, only loss.
Trump is vile, and Trump is not competent. I am not sure anyone is looking for "persuasion" from these truths. We do not lived in a shared common reality, we never have, but it is just in the present we are made painfully aware of the fact we are not in a shared common reality and that hurts. It hurts us on an individual level, and it hurts us on a "trust level."