Active Users:350 Time:29/03/2025 03:44:37 AM
Yes Roland00 Send a noteboard - 24/03/2020 06:38:13 PM

One of the things either learning lots of religious theology, or lots of philosophy, or lots of "law" is one learns much of language is actually not language but instead a language game.

We are arguing over things like Culpa, Me Maxima Koopa ( )

Our true obligations may not be about whether we are actually at fault or not at fault, guilty or not guilty, but instead we need to create a "system" where we reduce harm in the first place.

To not make the language games, the enemy of the good.


(Now I must wash my hands for I use half an idiom that is from Voltaire. I feel unclean. )


What Fionwe is trying to do (and you can argue whether he is succeeding or not) is not to demonize Trump but to prove a 1:1 correspondence of how Trump's misinformation hurt people even if that person is a lunatic fool. He is trying to do this to make us more skeptical of Trump's logic and authority for Trump has other prescriptions that may be smart or stupid, but when you are dealing with a Virus that spreads so quickly, and has a 2 week consequence (most patients need Hospitalization day 10 to 14 of the infection) we need to act now with the best information for in 2 weeks it will be too late.

I am not saying Fionwe is doing this artfully, nor am I saying it is his responsibility or my responsibility to solve this problem. In reality someone should tackle trump off screen and read him the riot act even if they will get fired 3 minutes later for something needs to change if we live in a mechanical deterministic universe, like a food processor

Perhaps though this world is Absurd? And if this world is Absurd, maybe Faith is all we have?

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And we have a death we can lay directly at Trump's door - 24/03/2020 05:08:22 AM 1044 Views
Your assertion is in very bad faith - 24/03/2020 07:34:31 AM 533 Views
He said quite a bit more than that. - 24/03/2020 11:58:33 AM 601 Views
He said it was FDA approved. And it was not. - 24/03/2020 01:10:07 PM 479 Views
You realize what these people took, right? - 24/03/2020 11:43:29 AM 489 Views
Of course I'm serious. Are you kidding me? - 24/03/2020 01:17:53 PM 494 Views
That's not the point. - 24/03/2020 01:51:03 PM 505 Views
That's nonsensical - 24/03/2020 03:46:28 PM 462 Views
Because they are stupid. That’s why. *NM* - 24/03/2020 05:06:38 PM 257 Views
I hate Trump, but to lay this directly at his feet you first have to strip these people of all - 24/03/2020 05:45:11 PM 474 Views
Bananas are high in potassium too! *NM* - 24/03/2020 06:18:41 PM 270 Views
No, I don't. - 24/03/2020 09:51:44 PM 459 Views
People believe in Magic - 24/03/2020 01:50:32 PM 433 Views
Finally! *NM* - 24/03/2020 03:22:24 PM 258 Views
They drank fish tank cleaner... - 24/03/2020 03:42:02 PM 475 Views
Why, though? What information in the news made them do this? *NM* - 24/03/2020 03:47:04 PM 274 Views
We are in a cursed timeline. - 24/03/2020 04:44:48 PM 441 Views
No information *made* them do it at all. - 24/03/2020 05:15:19 PM 480 Views
We are arguing over the word "made" - 24/03/2020 05:54:34 PM 479 Views
But here's the thing... - 24/03/2020 06:17:42 PM 462 Views
Yes - 24/03/2020 06:38:13 PM 476 Views
The NBC report, for those that didn't read it - 24/03/2020 04:21:04 PM 590 Views
Merkel and Trudeau both praised the drug before Trump ever did. - 24/03/2020 06:39:29 PM 479 Views
Did they claim it was FDA (or equivalent) approved right now? - 24/03/2020 09:50:00 PM 469 Views
Countries including China, South Korea, and Belgium have added chloroquine to their treatment - 24/03/2020 08:24:43 PM 563 Views
Um... can you first broaden your reading horizons to my previous post on this board? - 24/03/2020 09:46:14 PM 616 Views
That depends. Can you put aside your hatred of Trump and make an objective post? - 24/03/2020 11:01:36 PM 492 Views
Personal gain? Rofl - 24/03/2020 11:12:05 PM 458 Views
Right. Cheers. Thanks a lot. - 24/03/2020 11:43:36 PM 585 Views
Strategic retreat. Good choice. - 25/03/2020 12:22:47 AM 496 Views
Fionwe1987 - 25/03/2020 12:31:27 AM 442 Views
You're right. Except I'm not really here in the hopes of changing minds - 25/03/2020 04:37:15 AM 450 Views
Trump needs to leave medical advice to doctors but this was Darwin *NM* - 27/03/2020 12:29:12 PM 388 Views
This story just got better..... - 02/04/2020 07:22:44 PM 469 Views
Bumps this old thread for Trump is doing more nonsense. - 23/04/2020 11:41:17 PM 462 Views
That's so much fake news - 05/05/2020 07:18:08 AM 867 Views

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