Active Users:315 Time:29/03/2025 04:01:07 AM
He's refused to be tested after coming in contact . fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 13/03/2020 05:02:54 PM

After coming in contact with a Brazilian politician who has tested positive, Trump is apparently not getting tested, and has refused to self-quarantine. Which is just bananas.

Is it possible to die of narcissism? We may well find out in the coming months.

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Wow. Trump really sucks at travel bans - 12/03/2020 06:05:59 PM 825 Views
He knows the virus could cost him the election but isn't willing to give his antiscience stance - 12/03/2020 06:46:09 PM 583 Views
This is not how I hoped he'd be defeated... - 12/03/2020 07:12:40 PM 587 Views
It can. He does have the launch codes *NM* - 12/03/2020 08:46:57 PM 371 Views
He's refused to be tested after coming in contact . - 13/03/2020 05:02:54 PM 570 Views
He won't be defeated by this. - 14/03/2020 01:49:01 PM 558 Views
There are logical enough reasons for the specifics of the ban. But... yeah. - 12/03/2020 07:20:22 PM 588 Views
No, and here's why - 12/03/2020 07:36:59 PM 548 Views
It is too late. The virus is here and spread through the community *NM* - 12/03/2020 08:50:51 PM 340 Views
Didnt he say returning Americans will be quarantined ? - 12/03/2020 09:47:54 PM 573 Views
Stephen Miller wrote the speech, *shrug* what do you expect? - 12/03/2020 11:34:18 PM 544 Views
HuH? - 16/03/2020 12:37:53 AM 708 Views
Re: HuH? - 16/03/2020 05:53:12 AM 574 Views
Re: HuH? - 20/03/2020 04:28:57 PM 884 Views

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