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Spoilers on stuff I liked and found stupid Cannoli Send a noteboard - 20/12/2019 09:59:04 PM

Okay, Leia has been the General in charge of the Resistance all this time, and they were getting hammered, and running and hiding and lost their capital fleet (the biggest thing they have that I could see was one of those ships like she had at the beginning of original Star Wars), and they called for help when holed up on not-Hoth, and as noted in this film, no one came.

Turns out that all you need to fetch an uncountable fleet is for Lando to ask. He did destroy the second Death Star, there was his little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab, and Leia's basically just spent six movies leading people into trash compactors, so I can see WHY everyone comes when HE calls. Just kind of wondering why it took so long to get him to make the calls.

I kind of feel like Weiss from Alias died in the space battle, like I thought I saw him die, because it's hard to tell in a X-wing outfit, and they showed the X-wing blowing up as he yelled...but before the battle, it looked like he was getting into an A-Wing fighter.

Oh, and it turns out that Leia DID get trained as a Jedi. She trained until she got good enough to beat Luke and then quit, gave him her light saber and went around doing stuff on her own, like NOT telling Poe "No, you don't understand, I have the Force, I can FEEL that your attack is going to go badly." Like NOT training Rey instead of sending her to find Luke. Like NOT doing anything to protect Admiral Akbar and the rest of the bridge crew from being blasted into space by the spawn of her loins. Trash. Compactor.

Why did we need female voices whispering to Rey? We don't know them. No female Jedi say anything important until Rey shows up. More dialogue from the Jedi we DID know might have helped us notice who they were. I THINK Obi Wan & Qwi-Gon were in there, but with all the irrelevant voices muttering, you couldn't be sure or pick them out. I only really heard Luke, Yoda & Mac Windu.

Another thing that's not really a PROBLEM, is the family name is apparently Skywalker. That's what Palpatine says when he gets rid of Ben, the last Skywalker. That's how Rey identifies herself after going back to Luke's childhood home to forge her own light saber, like he did in the RotJ deleted scene. But most of the people in that extended family are not Skywalkers. There's Shmi Skywalker, whom only one them even knows existed, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. There is also Han Solo, Ben Solo, Leia Organa, Padme Amidala, Owen Lars, Cleigg Lars and Beru Lars. Not to mention Rey Palpatine.

It's very amusing to think of the reactions to all the people who defended tLJ and the arguments that have been invalidated by this movie, like the thing that getting away from the Jedi-Sith conflict is the best thing, and they need to finally bring balance by having someone who's both or by uniting them together. These are NOT two different points of view. Obi-Wan made allowances for the idea of different points of view, but not for one moment did he ever show he thought there was some value to the Sith or the Dark Side of the Force. Anger, fear and aggression are the Dark Side, and hate makes you powerful in the Dark Side. The Sith are about nothing other than empowering themselves through awful means and letting the worst sorts of people be their bad selves. I can see reforming and improving the Jedi order, sure. But Light and Dark sides of the Force are incompatible, fuck you very much Troy Denning, Gray Jedi are bullshit and the Jedi and Sith cannot cooperate or share anything.

And it turns out that everything they extrapolated from Rian Johnson's iconoclasm-for-its-own-sake is all bullshit. It comes down to Light Side and Dark Side, Ben & Rey are not intended to bring the two halves together, Ben's Dark Side involvement was a mistake.

I also fail to see how they won the war by saving things that they love, instead of destroying things that they hate.

Also, all the people talking about how great it is that Not Everyone Is From the Elite Special Family That Smacks Vaguely of Aristocracy and Primogeniture... yessssss?

It's okay, I know what you're going to say - Corporate Disney caved to all the Alt-Right fascist complainers and this ramshackle film is the fault of everyone who hated tLJ. You don't even need to say anything.

Another thing that Rian Johnson seems to have let slip along the way were the hints in tFA that Finn ALSO had something of the Force, which starts coming back. And that's my head-canon about what he wanted to tell Rey.

Overall the Disney Star Wars Trilogy is structurally much like the Brandon Sanderson Wheel of Time Trilogy. There's the first one whose flaws you overlook because you're happy to have new content (for certain values of "new" in the case of Star Wars). Then the second one is a trash fire that underlines exposes the flaws of the first, and the female lead gets out of control with unearned successes and informed virtues. And then when your standards & expectations have taken a dip, we get the finale, which we think we enjoyed because now we know how the story ends, and we overlook things that make you wonder if actual professionals had anything to do with its off-balance structure. Come to think of it, a lot of this probably applies to the Prequel Trilogy as well.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. - 20/12/2019 08:26:10 PM 686 Views
Spoilers on stuff I liked and found stupid - 20/12/2019 09:59:04 PM 541 Views
Agreed, but I still mostly liked it. - 23/12/2019 05:17:12 PM 428 Views
I wish it had made some sense - 24/12/2019 04:12:37 AM 447 Views
It goes wrong because characters don't have space to breathe - it's all plot, no character - 20/12/2019 10:56:45 PM 451 Views
It's all plot because Last Jedi sucked. - 21/12/2019 12:51:59 AM 420 Views
Agreed , it needed 2 movies - 21/12/2019 01:34:50 AM 458 Views

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