I thought you were going to talk about Stanford for my mind went to the famous Marshmallow experiment which has now been disproven and illustrates the problems of random variables and what you think is random often has some hidden bias you were oblivious to.
Maybe it is something from Mensa, or middle school play in Science classrooms?
Or maybe because people think by going to the absurd you are tapping into something more primal, more elemental, more beautiful of the forms. By playing with spaghetti and marshmallow you "reach for the stars" and while reaching you "touched the face of God."
When in reality it is not that, instead it is utter depravity, depravity forced upon you Mookie by bosses you did not elect in your workplace but they get to do this shit for they have the freakin money.
I am sorry Mookie. Honestly I am sorry.
Question if you were to pick some form of gaudy waste of time cooperative building competition, what would you pick? Would it be something from a bridal shower game book, or what other form of cooperative time wasting play?