Active Users:504 Time:22/02/2025 08:20:39 PM
I think a lot of that is on Sanderson's inability to articulate stuff properly Cannoli Send a noteboard - 16/08/2019 11:42:28 AM

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He thought the Dark One wouldn't immediately burst free if the Seals were broken. That was Egwene's concern, and when she pressed him on it, he had no reason to justify that belief.

No, Sanderson simply didn't have him express it, because he was artificially playing out the conflict and trying to make Moiraine's intervention more dramatic. Rand had the knowledge that two generations elapsed between the Bore being made and Lews Therin Sealing the Dark One up again. And the people of the AoL were utterly unprepared. Rand was not asking the world two endure two generations of the Collapse and ten years of full scall warfare, just a few days. Egwene failed to present a real alternative, or an explanation of how humans were supposed to work through a set of Seals intended to defeat the Dark One.
She insisted they be broken only at the last moment, when certain Dreams and Prophesies were met.

Pedron Niall's "wait to know everything" that you are not supposed to do. Except again, Sanderson demonstrates a very blatant misunderstanding of leadership principles, doing a complete 180 on Gareth Bryne's MO. Gareth Bryne, according to RJ, says that generals don't fight on the front lines, while Brandon Sanderson all of a sudden makes him a blademaster, who abandons his army while a battle is raging across the river, to personally lead a commando raid.

So the specific details of the conflict between Rand & Egwene are more likely a result of Sanderson's misapprehensions of the characters and stakes, and it reads much more like Egwene making a bid for power. Arguing that she should make the call, because the Tower arbitrarily decided to call her office Watcher of the Seals years ago is exactly the sort of nonsense that got her proposals passed through the Hall or accepted by the Wise Ones and Sea Folk in the prior book.

It would be one thing if Egwene had established objective criteria for breaking the Seals, rather than it coming down to her saying "It should be my call" and Rand saying "No, I'll do it right away, because I might not be able to later and I don't trust anyone else to make that call at the right time." Sanderson wrote Rand in ToM & most of aMoL so that remnant of his old paranoia didn't fit. His blunders in writing Ewgene's political storyline made it seem like she was not bothering to articulate a proper argument because she had not needed to over the prior two books and was out of practice not having reality conform to her desires.

And that is when they were broken, and the Dark One immediately broke free, only to be caught by Rand using all three powers.

But if Rand had his way and broke the Seals the next day after the meeting at Merrilor, he wouldn't have had Moridin to give him access to vast quantities of the True Power through Callandor. He would have failed.

To me the central theme is, neither the chief male or female protagonists had the correct answer on their own. Any attempts from either side to go it alone would have led to disaster. Only working together while also opposing each other, could they save the world. Just like saidin and saidar work together while opposing each other to drive the Wheel.

I'd say the very core of the story is that gender imbalance is bad for the world. And toxic views of gender and frailty hold Rand back, and only when he accepts that anyone, even a woman he loved, can give up their lives for the greater cause, and that isn't his burden to bear, did he find the mental strength to truly fight the Dark One.

Yes. It's not really synthesis, but balance. The genders are definitely not sythesized, they are perpetuating their distinction. Nicola's Foretelling was "the Guardians balance the Servants" which clearly denotes an ongoing segregation between them, while they work together on a personal level, rather than administratively enforced equality. If it was about synthesis, Rand would have merged saidar and saidin, and/or the Black and White Towers would have come together. Bringing male and female channelers together is just rehashing the Good Old Days. Even most of what Moiraine says in the early books is based on misconceptions. Really, the bit about the greatest works being done by men and women working together isn't right, because that's not how linking works. In each case, it's a single individual who is given access to both halves of the Power and a greater quantity of it. Nynaeve didn't DO anything at the Cleansing, for example. I'd like to think that what Rand did in Shayol Ghul would have required all three of them to weave, like Elayne & Aviendha making their warder bond, rather than Moiraine and Nynaeve being nothing more than ambulatory batteries and an emergency first aid technician. I'd like to have explored things like Rand's shield en route to Dumai's Wells, which was apparently the weaving of multiple individuals, rather than a link, and which the Aes Sedai were doing with Logain, in both EotW & LoC. That is how men and women could be working together, but either RJ changed his mind or it got lost in the Sandersonian translation. I could see why the Cleansing didn't have Nynaeve's active input, because for Rand's character to develop, he needed to think he had to keep doing it all himself.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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So they've cast the five main characters in the TV series - 14/08/2019 07:10:33 PM 1230 Views
meh *NM* - 14/08/2019 07:14:46 PM 340 Views
Two Rivers isn't "white" white - 14/08/2019 08:21:50 PM 797 Views
We are so on the same page - 14/08/2019 08:24:30 PM 825 Views
Egwene looks fairly white - 14/08/2019 08:23:01 PM 809 Views
I like the casting thus far. - 14/08/2019 08:38:28 PM 1071 Views
Can't really tell from the headshots.... - 14/08/2019 10:57:08 PM 762 Views
I don't think tis series is going to follow the bookas close as the fans might like - 15/08/2019 05:03:46 PM 685 Views
So then following this thought.... - 15/08/2019 07:30:15 PM 704 Views
The series needs to keep its dialectical roots, but also rejects superficial dialecticalism. - 15/08/2019 08:09:07 PM 716 Views
You are correct - 15/08/2019 08:51:54 PM 670 Views
So with all of that being said.... - 15/08/2019 10:41:14 PM 697 Views
How and Why I think are the most important things to keep. - 15/08/2019 11:12:19 PM 665 Views
Rand was wrong though - 16/08/2019 01:06:13 AM 685 Views
I think a lot of that is on Sanderson's inability to articulate stuff properly - 16/08/2019 11:42:28 AM 841 Views
IDK if it actually has dialectical roots - 16/08/2019 12:38:24 PM 856 Views
Not bad based on the head shots - Rand is spot on! - 25/08/2019 04:54:56 PM 648 Views

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