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He's the only surviving Lannister and still technically married to the head of House Stark, and there's always been the theory the Mad King raped his mother (hence Tywin's hatred of him), which would make him the most suitable Targaryen (let's assume Dany needs to be put down, and Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen says "I doon't woent it"). That neatly resolves forever the dispute among Targaryens, Lannisters and Starks (or Plantagenets, Lancasters and Yorks). He's Henry Tudor.
He's the only surviving Lannister and still technically married to the head of House Stark, and there's always been the theory the Mad King raped his mother (hence Tywin's hatred of him), which would make him the most suitable Targaryen (let's assume Dany needs to be put down, and Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen says "I doon't woent it"). That neatly resolves forever the dispute among Targaryens, Lannisters and Starks (or Plantagenets, Lancasters and Yorks). He's Henry Tudor.
Have Bran reveal this truth to the realm.
Only for 20 minutes later with Bran and Tyrion, Bran reveals he lied but it was a noble lie, a noble lie that is a song, a song based off ice and fire. Bran then says I hope you use your time wisely.
GoT Season 8, Episode 5 - Greatest Episode in TV History - (spoilers)
13/05/2019 03:57:54 AM
This is probably where we get that image from her time in Qarth of the snow falling on the Throne
13/05/2019 05:41:25 AM
I thought it was great, and the twitterati/redditor rage has also been great
13/05/2019 11:34:32 AM
Because she wants to be Queen and it's hard to rule from a city that's made out of rubble.
13/05/2019 09:17:22 PM
The writers really had no idea what to do with Jamie
14/05/2019 02:11:36 PM
Remember, GRRM is still active with the show and mapped out how it will end.
15/05/2019 01:52:23 AM
Tyrion clearly should end up on the Iron Throne
15/05/2019 03:27:08 PM
15/05/2019 06:28:28 PM