Weren't they after that glowy cube thing in the lunch box? *NM*
random thoughts Send a noteboard - 21/03/2019 01:19:47 PM
View original postThere is the unsurprising twist that the Kree were the ones to kill "Lawson" in "Veers'" flashback, but that means that they know the McGuffin the Skrulls seek doesn't exist, that Carol destroyed it after they shot down her & Mar-vell's ship. Furthermore, the Kree also know that the energy source, which Mar-vell was keeping from them, was in "Veers" all along, which is why they brought her back to Hala and created a fake Kree identity for her. So, A. Why did they give a crap about hunting the Skrulls, since they knew the thing the Skrulls were supposedly seeking was gone, destroyed and all that remained, locked up in the body of one of their own people? Because the impression I got while the movie was going on was that the Skrulls were desperately trying to get this game changer tech, and the Kree were desperately trying to prevent them from getting their hands on it. But the Kree know it's gone and they have the only bit left over. Then there was the twist that the Skrulls weren't REALLY looking for it, just for their families, so why do the Kree give a shit?
View original postAlso, if she was what they were after all along, why was she not in a lab, or ANYWHERE but a front-line combat unit? Or if they wanted to use her energy as a weapon, what is the Watsonian reason for keeping it restrained with a chip and constantly trying to teach Carol self-mastery (the Doylist reason obviously being their allegory about people trying to suppress women)?
So now that other people have seen Captain Marvel, am I wrong about a major plot hole?
15/03/2019 02:37:48 AM
Presumably they wanted to keep MarVell's notes on her lightspeed engine from Skrull hands
17/03/2019 01:32:41 PM
Weren't they after that glowy cube thing in the lunch box? *NM*
21/03/2019 01:19:47 PM
Not until they got there and found out it existed: the Kree didn't know that's what she used
21/03/2019 10:18:12 PM
This is why I never never liked the whole galatic power thing Marvel did
02/04/2019 01:20:27 PM
I didn't understand the part with the Skrull family.
22/03/2019 07:57:05 PM
Re: I didn't understand the part with the Skrull family.
24/03/2019 02:07:25 AM
I think the writing was worse than that, even
24/03/2019 04:52:52 AM
Most MCU spaceships use a jump point FTL drive. They were trying to make one that could go anywhere.
25/03/2019 05:43:11 PM
Did they say that in the movie or is that speculation by you?
25/03/2019 06:06:02 PM
More just a simple deduction. We've seen MCU FTL multiple times, and...
26/03/2019 05:09:41 AM