The entire movie is an epic journey of unwoke Vers becoming the wokest of woke heroes. It's really anvilicious. But not just 'woke' in the sense that she's forgotten who she is and remembers over the course of the film, but woke in the sense that SJWs love: she starts out trapped in and perpetuating a system of oppression, and becomes an unstoppable force against that oppression. They lay it on pretty thick, in my opinion.
Lightspeed Engine? Is the lead Skrull the only one who knows how to drive a manual? The Skrulls have what they want from before the movie starts. That part seemed like bad writing, or maybe just bad exposition. The thing that solves their problem is something they possess at the beginning. Hard to discuss this without spoilers.
Monica Rambeau is the original, first, (and black!) female Captain Marvel in the Marvel continuity. When Carol Danvers was still Ms. Marvel, they introduced Monica as Captain Marvel and she was on the Avengers for a while. Later Carol Danvers also took the Captain Marvel name, for some reason.
Anyway, it looks like Captain Marvel is going to the femme deus ex machina that will swoop in at the last minute and save all of the heroes (and heroines) I grew up loving from their failure to protect Earth (and the rest of the universe) from the Big Bad they've developed for 15 years. Or maybe the Avengers writers will save the story with something good instead.
My daughter really loved the movie, and that part I'm totally cool with. I rate it as better than Thor 2, not as good as The First Avenger.