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Thoughts on the issues and messaging and continuity (spoilers) Cannoli Send a noteboard - 09/03/2019 03:01:50 PM
  • Okay, one thing to which I alluded in the review, this film totally reworks Nick Fury into a Captain Marvel fan-boy. He named the Avengers after Carol Danvers' Air Force call sign, and he falls all over himself being a good sidekick. Some might go so far as to call him neutered. There is not much hint of the utter badass who treats the Avengers like unruly children, though a "Captain Marvel" fanatic would insist it is in keeping with the characterization, because compared to this awesome heroine, they ARE just kids. Fury has been blessed to know Carol Danvers, and next to her, Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk and Thor are just not that impressive. THAT's the explanation why Fury, with nothing else he can do, and about to die, calls Captain Marvel, not because there is something specific for which he sees her needed, but because she's the best and can totally handle this. SHE's probably the one chance in a million (or whatever the number was) that Dr Strange saw. She's probably going to rescue Tony from space and maybe even take back the Infinity Gauntlet because the Tesseract likes her better and tells the other stones how cool she is.

  • For a movie that worships the Air Force so hard, there was one rather risible line, where Maria and Carol's choice to join the Pegasus project is framed in the follow terms: "Since women aren't allowed to fly in combat this was our only chance to make a difference." Oh, okay, thanks for the giant FUCK YOU to every person in the Air Force who does not fly combat missions or the rest of the vast majority of the armed forces who do not see combat. You guys don't make a difference. You can all go off and drop dead, weeping for your wasted lives, that you are not as awesome as these "Hidden Figures" wannabes.

  • I think the Skrull-Kree conflict would have better served the film as a "plague on both your houses" thing, rather than making the Kree warmongering oppressors and the Skrulls as the innocent victims. I can see how in the current political climate a bunch of hard-leftist filmmakers want to steer well away from giving any sort of credence to xenophobia or "enemies among us" concepts, but it's already too late for that, as all the problems that happen to Earth are the result of another alien coming here in disguise to work on her own secret projects, intended to benefit the refugee victims of racism. Unless the idea is that there is something awesome or special about humans that Mar-Vell could only do it here... It's pretty obvious even without having the villain from "Guardians" on their team, that the Kree war effort is suspect, since it is obvious that Ronan's preliminary bombardment is kind of overkill for the stealth mission (but it's actually trying to set up the threat to Earth that Captain Marvel will stop, though only because the Kree don't seem to understand the concept of spreading out a barrage to get all your enemies, especially since the whole planet is nothing but soft targets), and the Kree use color-related slang to refer to the Skrulls, so racism. But they could have kept up the Skrulls as being no better, rather than innocent and saintly underdogs, only acting out of desperation to which the Kree pushed them. Captain Marvel can be just as strong if she is reclaiming her human identity and rejecting both sets of aliens and telling them to take their alien business elsewhere and don't even think about coming back for the Tesseract, it's ours. But that's not how intersectional SJWs think, for them moral supremacy comes ONLY from association with the most put-upon victim class, so Carol has to switch out her Kree warrior identity for a total champion of the Skrulls. And BTW, all lot of the Kree's sins could be seen as a commentary on modern stuff, like the idolization of military personnel (the Kree soldiers are not just warriors, they're "warrior-heroes" according to good little soldier Vers), aerial bombing against terrorist infiltrators and so on, except there is also the aforementioned Air Force adulation, including Brie Larson cutting commercials for the Air Force.

  • Annette Benning looks like they were making her look younger in her "Wendy Lawson" flashbacks, than her appearances as the Supreme Intelligence avatar. Why? Why would Vers project an image of her role model as older than she lived to be? Until she goes to the Supreme Intelligence, she has never seen "Lawson" with white hair.

  • The girl power stuff just does not land or does not hold up. Yeah, Maria shows her chops as a girl combat pilot, but she does so by beating another girl pilot (whose primary MOS seems to be sniper, rather than fighter pilot). All she does is demonstrate human supremacy. That's why I insist on crediting Mike Tomlin as the first black head coach to win a Super Bowl. He didn't do it against his own kind.

  • That whole standing up montage and the triumphant swelling music that accompanied Carol's in-the-now triumph were not nearly as impressive nor her overcoming of adversity as earned as the movie wanted them to be. First of all, there was no indication that this history of getting knocked down had affected Carol, because she was only just no remembering it, and irrepressibility was pretty much a significant character trait. She mostly seems all too smugly impressed with herself for most of the movie for this to be some sort of defining triumph, or overcoming of ultimate adversity. Not to mention, some of those things were only impressive if you grade on a girl curve. Completing the rope challenge is expect of a boy. Doing a mild bike stunt while wearing a football helmet and knee pads isn't particularly brave. Wrecking someone else's go kart because you won't obey the safety rules is kind of a dick move. Sorry. Vag-move. Gotta be inclusive. But that's also a Captain Marvel thing, causing random property damage, just because and the movie seems to think its cute. It would be like if we were supposed to see Thor smashing cups as acceptable, and he continued smashing anything or getting vengeance on people objectifying him by stealing things from them. And from people in their proximity. And if my relatives are any guide, a LOT more people are going to be objectifying Chris Hemsworth than Brie Larson.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Captain Marvel - 09/03/2019 01:12:00 PM 571 Views
2 post-credit scenes, neither great (spoilers) - 09/03/2019 02:14:51 PM 367 Views
Thoughts on the issues and messaging and continuity (spoilers) - 09/03/2019 03:01:50 PM 400 Views
Sooo woke - 09/03/2019 03:15:45 PM 352 Views
To summarize: hero being female twists Cannoli's knickers. *NM* - 09/03/2019 10:16:46 PM 146 Views
Your illiteracy always surprises me, when I should be used to it by now. - 10/03/2019 03:55:39 AM 364 Views
Cannoli you say things all the time... - 10/03/2019 06:26:07 PM 349 Views
How? - 10/03/2019 10:02:00 PM 341 Views

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