The first one, after the initial actors' names, isn't so much a disappointment as what it suggests going forward. It's more of a clip from "Endgame", but it looks like an alternate version of a scene that appears in the trailers. In one trailer we see Steve & Natasha looking over a bunch of holographic images of dusted people being all sad, then they see Ant-man at the gate, and a moment of hope as they realize on of their people isn't dead after all. This post-credit scene is set in the same situation, Steve & Natasha looking at the holographic images as saying "This is a nightmare./I've had better nightmares" then Rhodes comes in to tell them that the device (which Fury used to call Captain Marvel) has stopped signalling and they don't know why, even though they have been artificially prolonging it, because they somehow learned that it was the last thing Fury did, so they're trusting his dying act. But in spite of their efforts it's stopped and they are debating what the use was, and suddenly Captain Marvel is there saying "Where's Fury?" With different musical cues, it could be a horror film scene. Anyway, the disappointment is that it suggests that scene in "Endgame" might be a bit of a mess. Which is the big hope they are getting? Scott coming back from the dead or this wunderkind coming out of nowhere to save the day? How is it going to play if we get TWO uplifting surprises?
The other scene is just a meant-to-be funny gag shot, that I literally knew what was going to happen the moment it appeared. It shows Fury's desk, then Goose jumps up on it from out of the frame and hocks for a bit until he spits up the Tesseract cube. Basically a gimmick for cat people.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!