Active Users:1127 Time:23/11/2024 04:59:27 AM
98% chance of voting Democratic. - Edit 1

Before modification by The Shrike at 05/11/2018 07:35:04 PM

A white, non-born-again atheist, Gay (the acronym sucks) man between 30 and 44 who is not a regular church-goer. He is married,has no children, has a post-graduate degree. He lives in the suburbs in the Northeast and does not speak Spanish.

Though when I change atheist to Protestant and gay to straight it goes down to 61% which is quite interesting for the Northeast. I often times have more in common with straight people than with gay people.

Anyway, depending on the national candidate, I would vote Republican or Libertarian. For instance Gary Johnson over Clinton/Trump in 2016.

Romney over Obama
McCain over Obama
Kerry over Bush
Bush II over Gore
Clinton over Dole
Bush I over Clinton

I used to be more firmly in the Democratic sphere. Now, as the Democratic party lurches to the left, I find myself a Centrist. At some point, if the Democratic party continues moving leftward, especially on immigration, I imagine I will be firmly in the Republican sphere.

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