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I've done Ancestry and it's interesting how the results have changed Larry Send a noteboard - 01/10/2018 10:17:12 PM

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I bought the test. I couldn’t decide between that one and 23 and me. The deciding factor was concerns about the their sale of data to drug and medical research companies. So I went with Ancestry, who just tests for genealogical data, not health and medical.

Anyone else?

One thing I noticed is that Ancestry does recheck DNA results when more matches come in. Last year when I did it, I got something like 23% Irish, 33% Western European, 20% Great Britain/Scotland, 10% Iberian Peninsula, and the rest from southern Europe, Ashkenazi, and North African.

Last month, they updated it, making it something like 86% NW European/English/Welsh/Scots, 13% Irish, and 1% Cameroon/Southern Africa.

Makes me wonder a bit about what's unique about certain regions that the results change that much (I will note that a paternal aunt of mine had, last year before the update, trace amounts of Cameroon/Southern Africa, South Asia, and Middle Eastern DNA).

Interesting that Native American DNA didn't show up despite photographic as well as genealogical evidence (unless that was the possible African ancestor passing as such, which wouldn't be the first time). I know things can, after a couple of generations, disappear from the DNA record while others are preserved much longer.

I think I'd rather do something more intensive next time, maybe the NatGeo one, or something that utilizes blood instead of saliva so I could get a better medical data set. Or maybe I could just ask a Mormon for genealogical details?

Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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Question: Has anyone besides me done the DNA test and if so, which one did you use? - 30/09/2018 11:54:47 PM 779 Views
Nope. Find out anything cool? *NM* - 01/10/2018 06:33:18 AM 319 Views
Yeah everything was cool because I was adopted. *NM* - 01/10/2018 02:52:22 PM 258 Views
No way, man. - 01/10/2018 02:26:43 PM 531 Views
I have done both. - 01/10/2018 02:42:18 PM 592 Views
did you opt out on the use of your data for research? For 23 and Me. *NM* - 01/10/2018 02:51:21 PM 271 Views
Nah. - 01/10/2018 02:57:20 PM 603 Views
as you say, it's too late... - 01/10/2018 03:23:35 PM 566 Views
23andme - 01/10/2018 07:11:45 PM 607 Views
that's interesting - 01/10/2018 08:56:27 PM 656 Views
Did 23andme. Got an interesting West African hit. - 01/10/2018 08:15:01 PM 720 Views
I got a 20% hit for Andean native American. *NM* - 01/10/2018 08:57:57 PM 284 Views
That's neat. And recent! *NM* - 01/10/2018 09:36:41 PM 294 Views
yeah it was pretty cool - 01/10/2018 10:05:40 PM 560 Views
I've done Ancestry and it's interesting how the results have changed - 01/10/2018 10:17:12 PM 1148 Views
yeah, mine changed significantly last month as well. *NM* - 01/10/2018 10:19:29 PM 290 Views
If you have American Indian ancestry it shouldn't disappear from the record - 01/10/2018 10:53:04 PM 724 Views
After 5-6 generations, it can - 02/10/2018 01:53:16 AM 1115 Views
My daughter did Ancestory - 08/10/2018 01:31:02 PM 533 Views
Both 23andMe and Ancestry.Com - 08/10/2018 08:08:26 PM 508 Views

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