Active Users:509 Time:21/09/2024 01:20:30 AM
That would be true, if historical context was not a thing - Edit 1

Before modification by AgentApple at 28/08/2018 07:00:48 PM

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Why is it that every other American conservative has this unhealthy obsession with 'the media', which is always to be understood as 'the NYT, WaPo and CNN' because the WSJ and Fox aren't liberal and hence don't count as real media? This whiny Calimero complex got old a long time ago, and it's gotten to the point where my eyes start to glaze over the second I read the words 'the media'.

Hence, you can imagine what I made of this particular article. The left-wing media liked John McCain better when he supported left-wing policies - wow, what a shocker. And they liked him less when he was running against a Democrat and trying to appeal to all parts of the Republican party - another shocker. Next you're going to tell me that the right-wing media treated him pretty much the other way around at those respective occasions? No way!

Sorry, Ben Shapiro, but as soon as your site became so popular, you became part of 'the media'. And if you feel that your stupid generalizations about 'the media' don't accurately describe yourself or the Daily Wire, well, guess who else they don't accurately describe?

As Cannoli wrote, Fox has always been treated as the other, attacked for supposedly low quality repeatedly even on Wotmania's heyday.

I recall seeing 'Arrival' last year. A very good product of Hollywood. Spoilers for this paragraph: There's a bit there when the linguist scientist is on her way to her car, right after her lecture is cancelled but before she is recruited. She is talking with her mom, and you can only hear her side of the conversation. She says something like, "No mom, we don't yet. Well, I told you not to listen to that channel. Those people are always playing up the hysteria" or something like that. She doesn't need to name the channel because you know what Hollywood means because it's been harped by the media forever.

There is a parallel situation in the Israeli media, btw. It used to be you had 3 major newspapers, one on the left (Haaretz) and two others more centric. However, all three papers were always very anti-Netanyahu and mostly anti-Likud.
But this became evident only when a 4th paper ("Israel Hayom" was started which took a pro-Netanyahu approach. Before this new paper I dare say people were like fish oblivious to the water. Israel Hayon is now the biggest paper but it would be disingenuous to call it part of the media, or media establishment. It was also the subject of attempted legislation aimed at curbing its circulation by disallowing free papers.

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