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We were warned... Larry Send a noteboard - 12/08/2018 09:17:40 PM

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What is this country coming too?

How can you trust the people in this country, and especially the news media, when some people in the US think this is a joke?

Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
Of course I'm going to respond to important squirrel matters
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What is this country coming to? - 12/08/2018 08:23:55 PM 772 Views
Damned German thinking corrupting American Culture! - 12/08/2018 08:26:09 PM 599 Views
We were warned... - 12/08/2018 09:17:40 PM 990 Views
Yesterday, no joke, my town's police were called to the park for a raccoon that was being hanged - 12/08/2018 11:22:52 PM 504 Views
Oooh. Shade. - 16/08/2018 09:55:23 PM 498 Views
Punctuation matters. What, is this country coming too? - 13/08/2018 12:35:04 AM 506 Views
I am the fly in your ointment - 13/08/2018 01:21:40 AM 620 Views
I have no forbidden fruit for you, Roland. - 14/08/2018 03:38:00 AM 493 Views
You sample my fruit but you have nothing to give back? - 15/08/2018 03:54:48 AM 466 Views
for Larry - 13/08/2018 12:39:11 AM 646 Views
It is up to each individual squirrel to decide their own essence - 13/08/2018 01:25:16 AM 492 Views
John Donne could have said it best - 15/08/2018 03:35:57 AM 868 Views
It's Germany. It's expected. - 16/08/2018 09:54:18 PM 465 Views

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