Seriously, every week it's a new thing about "Why Trump is Hitler". I'm just tired of it. I don't like the guy, but holy crap, how is the President supposed to effectively do anything when half the country says "We won't work with Hitler!" when Trump asks what day they should have lunch.
Everyone who looks at the situation realizes that the number of Democratic elected officials that actually care about these issues are few and far between, the same as Republican reps, they're simply posturing for position. I just wish the Dems would be honest about it and say "Hey, we don't like Trump and we're going to attempt to stop him on everything no matter what."
That's what McCain has effectively done, and I have a lot of respect for him for that. But hearing these Democratic reps who don't give a single flying shit about any issue other than "keep voting me in" rage about every minor(and, true, sometimes major) thing Trump does is ringing false, and really just getting old.
I can't believe we have 2.5 more years of this clusterfuck...