Active Users:361 Time:31/03/2025 11:24:26 PM
I've been aware of that for years now Larry Send a noteboard - 12/05/2018 03:02:49 AM

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Check it out!

It's also brought up in the book Born to Run, which I read recently, which deals in part with the Tarahumaras of NW Mexico, who are legendary distance (50+ mile) runners. There has been some shift in opinion the past few years, as newer shoes have reduced "drop" (I use Altra Lone Peak 3.0s, which have zero mm difference between heel and forefoot midsole height) in order to better mimic barefoot mechanics without leaving the runner vulnerable to pressure point piercings from rocks and roots.

But a lot of it comes down to understanding one's own biomechanics. I'm a supinator who is between a midfoot and heel striker, but I've worked on running on the balls of my feet more with a quicker cadence (around three steps a second) with a higher calf/heel kick. That has helped make impact even less. Not that impact is necessarily a bad thing; there's more involved in sustained walking than in rapid-fire jumping/running.

But if you have the time and want a bit more on this, do read Born to Run sometime. It's a great set of stories within a larger narrative of ultra/ridge running.

Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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/NSSP: I completed my first marathon today - 29/04/2018 03:32:33 AM 790 Views
I watched Infinity War today - 29/04/2018 06:16:15 AM 626 Views
My dad said he enjoyed that movie quite a bit - 30/04/2018 01:24:04 AM 544 Views
And I was extra bad today. - 30/04/2018 06:54:00 AM 525 Views
Excellent - 29/04/2018 07:01:59 AM 581 Views
Thanks! *NM* - 30/04/2018 01:24:17 AM 282 Views
Great job! - 29/04/2018 03:42:59 PM 556 Views
I suffer from asthma as well - 30/04/2018 01:26:57 AM 557 Views
<borat>I like!<\borat> - 29/04/2018 05:56:43 PM 541 Views
I have quite a few - 30/04/2018 01:31:48 AM 503 Views
Well done! - 30/04/2018 02:15:26 AM 521 Views
Thanks! - 07/05/2018 12:28:44 AM 544 Views
Do it! - 07/05/2018 04:41:48 PM 565 Views
Maybe later this summer or next - 11/05/2018 01:25:55 AM 889 Views
don't chaet and use GPS - 07/05/2018 07:28:54 PM 529 Views
Congrats! - 30/04/2018 04:29:01 AM 552 Views
Larry exists to make us feel satisfied when we are Lazy. - 30/04/2018 06:55:23 AM 569 Views
Marathons are relatively easy - 07/05/2018 12:32:36 AM 748 Views
Ha! - 07/05/2018 12:29:39 AM 726 Views
Great job, now never do that again..... - 04/05/2018 03:41:39 AM 562 Views
Not true! - 07/05/2018 12:27:37 AM 901 Views
Keep running for another 10-15 years and you will see! - 10/05/2018 02:20:42 AM 542 Views
I plan on doing it another 40 - 11/05/2018 01:24:44 AM 852 Views
my running days are over - 04/05/2018 01:25:48 PM 593 Views
Have you tried minimalist shoes? - 07/05/2018 12:31:14 AM 742 Views
Video for you to watch - about running sneakers - 11/05/2018 06:25:03 PM 665 Views
I've been aware of that for years now - 12/05/2018 03:02:49 AM 922 Views

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