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Maybe later this summer or next Larry Send a noteboard - 11/05/2018 01:25:55 AM

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Quads, achilles, and ankles are sore and I have a nice sun exhaustion to go with them, but it was fun.

So what have I missed the past few months here?

I was up all night last night following an orienteering relay, which started around sunset and finished in the morning. I was supposed to run the first leg but a sore throat kept me at home, sadly.

I vaguely recall you posting something about orienteering years ago. Don't know if I have the time on weekends to learn how to do that well, but I do know they have something for that in a local park.

It's running, but with brains enabled!

Unfortunately, the trails are too heavily marked for much off-road adventures.

Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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/NSSP: I completed my first marathon today - 29/04/2018 03:32:33 AM 790 Views
I watched Infinity War today - 29/04/2018 06:16:15 AM 626 Views
My dad said he enjoyed that movie quite a bit - 30/04/2018 01:24:04 AM 544 Views
And I was extra bad today. - 30/04/2018 06:54:00 AM 525 Views
Excellent - 29/04/2018 07:01:59 AM 581 Views
Thanks! *NM* - 30/04/2018 01:24:17 AM 282 Views
Great job! - 29/04/2018 03:42:59 PM 556 Views
I suffer from asthma as well - 30/04/2018 01:26:57 AM 557 Views
<borat>I like!<\borat> - 29/04/2018 05:56:43 PM 541 Views
I have quite a few - 30/04/2018 01:31:48 AM 503 Views
Well done! - 30/04/2018 02:15:26 AM 521 Views
Thanks! - 07/05/2018 12:28:44 AM 544 Views
Do it! - 07/05/2018 04:41:48 PM 565 Views
Maybe later this summer or next - 11/05/2018 01:25:55 AM 890 Views
don't chaet and use GPS - 07/05/2018 07:28:54 PM 529 Views
Congrats! - 30/04/2018 04:29:01 AM 552 Views
Larry exists to make us feel satisfied when we are Lazy. - 30/04/2018 06:55:23 AM 569 Views
Marathons are relatively easy - 07/05/2018 12:32:36 AM 748 Views
Ha! - 07/05/2018 12:29:39 AM 726 Views
Great job, now never do that again..... - 04/05/2018 03:41:39 AM 562 Views
Not true! - 07/05/2018 12:27:37 AM 901 Views
Keep running for another 10-15 years and you will see! - 10/05/2018 02:20:42 AM 542 Views
I plan on doing it another 40 - 11/05/2018 01:24:44 AM 852 Views
my running days are over - 04/05/2018 01:25:48 PM 593 Views
Have you tried minimalist shoes? - 07/05/2018 12:31:14 AM 742 Views
Video for you to watch - about running sneakers - 11/05/2018 06:25:03 PM 665 Views
I've been aware of that for years now - 12/05/2018 03:02:49 AM 922 Views

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